From the Head of the Junior School

The end of Term 1 feels like so long ago now, but I would be remiss if I didn’t look back and mention some major events for the Junior School. Our final week of school included the Cross Country (very successful and our first freezing cold day for the season!), the Stage 3 Narran soiree which was brilliant and of course, we held our Grandparent Days at both of our campuses.


Grandparents Day is a highlight in our calendar – what a privilege it is to share our school with the families of our students. Our children performed brilliantly in the concerts that were put on. Visitors had a marvelous time joining students in their classrooms for a taste of learning in 2024, Sculptures in the Trees at Wentworth Falls was an enchanting experience, and our Book Fairs were a great success. We had more than 75 books donated to our Junior School libraries and we are incredibly grateful for these gifts. Our Library staff are busily organizing those new books.


As a school we are reflecting on our past and our future, and thinking particularly about being learner-centred. It’s often assumed that because the students form the biggest part of schools, that everything naturally revolves around their learning and their well being. It’s challenging for staff to stop and evaluate if our spaces, systems and procedures, programmes and priorities really do serve the learners in the centre of the community, or if they are the way they are for other reasons.


A small change with a big impact is a make over of the front corridor in the Junior School at Wentworth Falls. New paint, some gorgeous photos and recent artworks of our learners is now the beautiful focus when people walk in. We will update photos of the students regularly, so that they are prioritized in our shared spaces. Our trophy cabinets are being moved to a ‘Wall of Honour’ in Coote Hall, with a collection of our most recent achievements, as well as trophies from years gone by that tell some of the story of Blue Mountains Grammar School. This change is about being learner centred, so the children in the Junior School know that they are the reason we all do what we do.


Kind regards,


Rachael J Newton

Head of Junior School