Curriculum Matters

This week the Foundation students have been learning the sound /o/.
We have learnt about Oscar the Octopus and read lots of words such as sob, not and hot.
Level 1
The Level One students have been busy reading and writing “Two-words-on-a-line” poems.
The first word in each of the pairs is a describing word. The second is a naming word. Last week we read the poem Soggy Field and looked for the nouns and adjectives in the poem. Then we wrote our own “Two-words-on-a-line” poem about school.
The students came up with some really lovely ideas.
Level 2
The Level 2 students are diving into the significance of ANZAC Day, learning about bravery, sacrifice and the ANZAC spirit.
We read the story of ANZAC Ted, a battered and torn teddy bear that has a great story to tell. Students worked together to brainstorm descriptive words to describe ANZAC Ted as he went to war to keep soldiers company and provide them with comfort.
The Level 2 students gained a deeper understanding of ANZAC Day and the importance of remembrance.
Level 3
Level 3 has had a fantastic start to Term 2!
We have started our swimming program and have most importantly loved using the new laptops! The students have been using them for various learning aspects across the curriculum, and look forward to using them to Hit the Button, practising their 2 times tables.
In writing, we have been busy learning about procedural texts.
We all made ANZAC wreaths, ANZAC biscuits and fraction echidnas all following a procedural text.
Level 4
Level 4’s had a fantastic time with their African Drumming incursion.
The students learnt about the background and history of the drums, as well as how to play the drums by creating a range of different sounds.
In Mathematics students have been focusing on their multiplication skills by playing ‘Mathopoloy’, which is a fun and interactive method of learning and remembering their times tables.
Level 5
On the first week of Term 2 the Level 5 students and teachers all left for Camp Coonawarra.
The bus took around 3.5 hours to get there. When we arrived, we were given our cabin groups and some free time to get set up.
Over the week we did so many different activities.
Like the high ropes course. This was really fun we even got to have 2 goes around the course. The Giant Swing, it was really scary at first but once you do it, its really fun and you want to go again. The Flying Fox, which looked really scary but don’t be scared it is so much fun and you can even have 3 goes. Canoeing, this was fun even though you get a little wet. Other activities were, raft making, hut building, archery, reptile encounter, rock climbing wall and orienteering.
The food on the camp was really good, we got breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and desert every day! Our favourite meal was hashbrowns for breakfast and sticky date pudding at dessert.
Our nighttime activities were lots of fun, the first night we did a bush walk with everyone. The second night was Trivia hosted by Mrs Kennedy and the ‘Kentucky Fried Children’ won. On Wednesday night we had ‘Level 5s Got Talent’ with Amelia, Hudson R, and his dad winning the night. Our last night was a movie night, we got to watch the minions and eat popcorn.
Camp was great we had so much fun and everything was AMAZING!!!
So far this has been our favourite camp and we are so happy we were able to do it thanks to the teachers and parents!
Adelaide S & Hudson R 5BK
Level 6
1000 Steps
The Grade 6’s along with other schools went to the 1000 steps on Tuesday 23 April to commemorate the brave ANZACS that fought on the Kokoda trail.
The ceremony was attended by Veterans who came from the 2/29th Battalion, 2/16th Battalion and several more. We had a minute of silence, sang the national anthem, and sang ‘We Are One’.
After the ceremony ended, we went off to conquer the 1000 steps. The 1000 steps were difficult and tricky, but the end was worth it. The ceremony, along with completing the steps, was a wonderful experience allowing us to learn about what the soldiers had to endure and how we are grateful to have not experienced war. After we got down, we were rewarded with some delicious sausages.
Sadly, the day had to come to an end, but we will always remember those who fought for this beautiful country.
Taylor B & Justin Z
On Monday the 22 April, Grade 4s to Grade 6s participated in an athletics day which challenged all the kids during the day.
All of the Grade 6s were dressed up in their house colours ready to cheer on the other year levels .The sports the kids participated included shot put, discus, long jump, triple jump, 100 metre sprints and hurdles.
The day started off with arriving at Burwood east athletics track and sorting into our house. Once we were all ready, we started off with warm ups to get our bodies moving, and practising our chants.
We got into our first event, each event different for different age groups and genders, and each event going for 30 minutes each. trying to compete for house points. Everybody was trying their hardest to win for their house.
After four events of competitiveness, it was time for lunch break but in the middle of the lunch break, it was time to present our house chant to compete for each house points. After lunch there were still more activities to do. The last activity was the relay races for each house and age group.
Once all the activities were finished, they presented the points to each house. In order 4th Bradman 3rd Freeman 2nd Fraser and 1st was Perkins. When Perkins won against Jacob and Carissa, the Perkins captains, they gave a speech thanking the Perkins kids and congratulating the other houses. On the bus ride back and at school, everyone was talking about how much fun they had and were super happy with their effort and results.
Alex M & Max S