Success Stories

Student Awards Weeks 1 and 2
Foundation: Yash S, Leroy M, Taylah W
Level 1: Sebastian A, Sebastian C
Level 2: Maathanke P, Ryan P, Leo O, Claire C
Level 3: Xavier S
Level 4: Charlotte C, Maggie K, Sophia AA, Olivia G
Level 5: Yanni A, George W
Level 6: Winston Z, Jacob R, Kingsley Liu, Adila J
Calisthenics Success
Before the holidays Tilly A (6T) took part in the Solo/Duo/Trio Competition held by Calisthenics Victoria.
She had a fabulous weekend of success:
- 2nd place for graceful girl solo (18 competitors)
- 3rd place calisthenics solo (17 competitors)
Congratulations Tilly and all your hard work and success!