Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: Julie Hall
Assistant Principal: Scott Zachariassen
Apology - Information Powerpoint
One of the key communication resources provided at the beginning of the year is an 'Information' powerpoint sent out to all seven year levels. Unfortunately these powerpoints were not updated and sent out in 2024 - an oversight on our behalf.
As the year is into the second term there probably little point in sending them out now. I sincerely apologise for this oversight. If any parent is seeking information on classroom programs, dates or events, class updates, etc, please keep reading the fortnightly newsletter and/or contact your child's classroom teacher directly.
Annual Report 2023
Last years Annual Report has been completed and approved, and is waiting for Quality Assurance approval. The final draft is now presented to the school community. Please find a copy of the report on the school website.
Please note the exceptionally solid academic results, the report on our student wellbeing and our strong financial position.
I would like to thank the 2023 staff for their dedicated work and the 2023 School Council for their input toward maintaining our strong position.
Uniform Supplier changed
Our uniform supplier, RHUniforms has been bought out by Spartan School World. Little will change for us - same uniform, same location, just a different name.
Facility Upgrades
Basketball refurbishment - is underway. Clearly the area looks messy right now but it won't be long until the new surface is laid and it will look fantastic.
Level 1 classrooms - have been painted over the last school holidays and now look fresh and inviting for the students.
Upcoming - plaster repair works throughout the Senior Building, repair to the front wall of the admin building and painting of exterior poles, railing and guttering, and a surprise 'addition' to the gym.
Minister's Message
Please see following a message from the Minister for Education, Ben Carroll.
Literacy Update
As always, there has been some review and adjustment to the programs and teaching methods in the school. At Jells Park PS this has been most evident around Literacy in Foundation, Level 1 and Level 2.
Please read the explanation from our Literacy Learning Specialist, Nadia Costabile, later in the newsletter.
Attitudes to School Survey
This annual survey will be conducted with Level 4, 5 & 6 students later this term. This information is vital to the school as it tells us what students are thinking and allows us to adapt practice to ensure the school is best set up to enhance student learning. Notices about this will be coming out next week.
Kevin Oakey
Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Acceptance Month (AAM) and a great opportunity to celebrate our autistic students, learn more about how we can support and include them, and help foster understanding and acceptance of autism among all students. AAM is an offshoot of the United Nations’ sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day which was held on Tuesday 2 April 2024.
Our school is committed to understanding, including and celebrating our autistic students and values the contribution they and their families make to our school.
In recognition of this we would like to share some resources that support autistic students and their families.
The Department of Education has worked with organisations for autistic people and lead researchers in autism to develop new resources for schools to help us better understand, support and celebrate the strengths of autistic students. I hope you find them useful and insightful.
- AllPlay Learn Inclusive School Communities: Monash University’s AllPlay Learn team has developed evidence-based guidance and resources on how to create inclusive school communities where everyone feels welcome and supported. It includes videos on engaging with other parents, using inclusive language and student resources you can share with your child or children.
- Amaze has produced videos and tip sheets for parents on how to include families of autistic children.
- The Art of Learning video.
More support for autistic students
The department has established the Diverse Learners Hub to help meet the needs of diverse learners, including autistic students. It is key initiative of Disability Inclusion and flagship of the Autism Education Strategy.
The hub provides evidence-based advice, information and resources on best-practice inclusive teaching for autistic students.
Julie Hall
Assistant Principal