Gracious and loving God,

We remember all who lost their lives through Australia's involvement in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. We especially remember the courageous actions undertaken by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during the First World War. We pray for the airmen, sailors and soldiers who died in battle, sacrificing their lives while on duty. We commemorate their bravery and pray for the families who lost loved ones. As we strive for peace in our country and world, help us to become instruments of your peace. We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.


We pray ... 

for..... all those who have died while serving our nation in war; all those who have lost ones in war and conflict; for all those who continue to serve in the defence forces, especially those in areas of turmoil; and for all candidates who are preparing to make their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist this term. 


Yesterday some of the students in Year 5 had the opportunity to attend Reconciliation. Next Wednesday, more Year 5 students will be able to attend Reconciliation.


Family Masses

Our Family masses for this term will be held on Sunday 4th May (Yr 2 and Yr 4) and Sunday 2nd June (Year 3) at St Nicholas Church at 9.30a.m. 


These Masses are an opportunity for our School community to come together with our Parish Community to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and to share a ‘cuppa ‘and morning tea afterwards. 



Edmund Rice House is named after Blessed Edmund Rice. (Feast Day 5th May)


To celebrate the feast day of Blessed Edmund Rice, students who are in the Edmund Rice house may wear blue mufti clothing this Friday 3rd May. Enclosed shoes and hats are a must.


Edmund Rice was born in Callan, Ireland, in 1762. In 1802 he set up a free school in Ireland for boys living in poverty. His aim was to give boys who were poor an education whilst teaching them about God so that they could have power and faith to live a good life.

Edmund Rice began the order of The Christian Brothers. The Brothers began the Christian Brothers School for boys here in Tamworth in our very own school building of St Nicholas School.


First Reconciliation and First Eucharist 

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation and program has begun for our students. This includes a Parent Information and Enrolment Session at St Nicholas Church. If you could not attend Wednesday's session a repeat session will be held on Saturday 4th May at 2.00pm. At least one parent of eligible candidates is required to attend one of these sessions. 


Mothers’ Day Breakfast & Mass

Next Friday 10th May our school will host a Mother's Day Breakfast from 7.30am and a whole school Mother’s Day Mass beginning at 9.30am at St Nicholas School Undercroft. We would like to invite all mothers, grandmothers and friends to both these events and hope you will be able to join us to mark this special occasion.



This term our Year 6 students will be participating in the annual Religion Education Test on Tuesday 18th June.