Year 11 and 12

Updates for Year 11 and 12 Students


VCE and VCE VM students are close to reaching an important milestone in their year. Unit 1 and Unit 3 content and assessments will come to an end very soon and students will move onto the Unit 2 or Unit 4 content in their subjects. 


It is important as always for students to be actively engaging in their learning and managing their school workload with their other commitments. Ongoing study is essential. We encourage students to catch up with any missed assessments as soon as they are able to to reach out to their teachers or coordinator if they are worried about their progress.


Key Dates for Senior School Students 

Friday 24 May 2024 - All VCE Unit 1 Coursework and scheduled SACs are to be completed by this day. 


Week 7 (27 May to 31 May 2024) -

VCE Exam Revision / Unit 1 reschedules to be completed this week.

VCE VM Assessments and Coursework to be completed this week. 


Week 8 (3 June to 6 June 2023) 

Year 11 VCE Exams Compulsory for all VCE students. They will appear on Compass 

Year 11 VCE VM Catch up Week -  Only students who have not completed their required work or who have failed their attendance outcomes will be required to attend this week. Letters to be handed at the end of the previous week. 


GAT - Thursday 18 June

All VCE students enrolled in Units 3 and 4 study are required to sit the GAT. This includes our Year 12 VCE VM students. The Senior School will hold an assembly and send home detailed information so that parents and students are fully informed of the purpose and the details of the day.  

Important note:  No Year 11 or 12 VCE or VCE VM classes will run on this day. 


Term 2 Holidays

Attendance catch-ups for students who have failed their Unit 1 or Unit 3 attendance outcomes will be required to attend school to redeem their attendance. Students and families are encouraged to regularly check their VCE attendance percentages on Compass and provide evidence for absences due to illness. Please contact the relevant coordinator if you or your child needs support around their attendance. 



Term 3 Holidays

Practice Exams and Revision Lectures for Unit 3 and 4 students

Attendance Catch Up sessions 



Senior School Team