Year 9 and 10

A peek into Year 9 and 10 activities this term


We are now half way through Term 2, and there is much to celebrate and recognise, with so much happening in and out of the College.


We were very excited to see some familiar faces on the Channel 7 News in early May when the ‘Flip my Ride’ graduates were celebrated in finishing their course.


Year 9s also had great fun on their Team Challenge Day to Lake Dewar the start of the term. It was fantastic to hear so many positive stories and experiences come from the day.


The remainder of this term is going to be very busy for the Middle School students with the start of course counselling, Year 10 exams, Work Experience and the preparation for the Year 9 Naarm Education program which begins in Term 3.


Over the next few weeks and into the holiday period the students will engage in their career profiling and be exposed to the different subjects that are on offer at Sunbury College. This aims to support them to build their interest in possible future careers, by developing understanding of future pathways and course options for 2025. This process is an important part of the journey to success in the Senior School, and future traineeships and careers; all resources are created to help best support students in making the right choices. We look forward to working with the cohorts over the next few months as they start on this pathway. 

Year 9 students will also be preparing for their Naarm Education program experiences. This will include a debrief on the program and the activities that will be on offer, along with a presentation from the Sunbury Proactive Policing Unit about what to expect in the city and how to keep themselves, their belongings, and peers safe. These experiences are an exciting opportunity for our students, as many may not have had exposure to the hustle and bustle of a city space before. This learning opportunity allows this to happen in a safe and managed space with lots of support and guidance from staff and community officers.


In the next two weeks Year 10s will be progressing through their exams for Semester 1. This stage of their learning is extremely important to show their academic growth and knowledge. Exams at a Year 10 level allow for the experience of higher-order thinking and the opportunity to apply knowledge and understanding in rigorous assessment conditions. All Year 10s are expected to attend and show their best possible academic application.

The exam period runs from 27 - 31 May.

Following the conclusion of the exams, Year 10s will begin their two week work experience placements. Engaging in formal work experience placements provides the opportunity for students to be integrated in the daily routine of working life and all the expectations and responsibilities that come with that. We are looking forward to hearing some great stories and experiences from these workplaces.


We look forward to a productive conclusion to the term and sharing the next big experiences for the students. 


Middle School Team


Year 9 Lake Dewar 

On Tuesday, 16 April, our Year 9s attended a day excursion to Lake Dewar Lodge. Teams competed in an Amazing Race, aiming to get the most points. Students participated in activities such as: stand-up paddle boarding, low ropes, balancing, bike riding, memory tests and giant puzzles. Congratulations to ‘Yeah The Girls’ who were champions for the day.


Flip My Ride

Over the last 10 weeks, 8 students in Years 9 and 10 have been participating in AGA’s ‘Flip My Ride’ Program. The program aimed to help students by giving them hands-on experience in restoring a car. Students had the chance to get their hands dirty by being exposed to different types of mechanics, including inspections and servicing. The finished product is being auctioned with the proceeds donated to a local charity or support group of the participants’ choosing, promoting positive community engagement.


On Thursday the 2nd of May, students had their graduation from the program and were joined by their parents, teachers, youth workers, Victoria Police, members of the Brimbank City Council and special guest, Brendan Fevola. Throughout the event students were reminded of the importance of building a strong network of supportive people, learning from your mistakes and being the leader amongst your friends to make positive decisions. Brendan Fevola shared an anecdote with participants and spoke to the importance of keeping doors open, that life is a rollercoaster and it’s important to work hard to learn how to act when something doesn’t go the right way so you have the skills to support you as well as doing a Q&A with the group. 


Congratulations to our participants and graduates: Rhyley Cusack, Dougie Condy, Cody Woller, Lachie Jacobs, Darcy Hosking, Maddex Wilson, Chaise Wallis and Callum Heywood. A special congratulations goes to Dougie Condy who also gave a speech at the graduation ceremony! 


The graduation ceremony was covered by Channel 7 and can be viewed on the following link: