Principal's Message

A message from our principal Craig O'Bree

Dear parents, carers, students, and staff,

I would like to congratulate our students on a successful start to Term 2. Their engagement in their classroom learning and the many events and extracurricular activities in and around our school has been fantastic. 


A focus of our school over the last three years has been to provide more meaningful opportunities for students to be leaders within our community and to positively influence the culture of our school. Many of the learning experiences and events this term have been organised, promoted, and led by our students. 


On Wednesday 24 April our Student Leadership Team led the whole school ANZAC day ceremony, representing over 1000 students and our staff to honor those who have served and lost their lives for our country. The Student Leadership Team spoke about the values represented by the ANZACs, making local connections, and sharing a story of a past Sunbury College student who served our country.


We were thrilled to be able to support Kismet Park Primary School in hosting their Athletics Carnival on our front oval on Thursday 2 May. Students from our Academic Sports Program ran events such as long jump, high jump and the 100 m and 200 m sprints. There was lots of fun, laughter, and fast running throughout the day. Our Academic Sport Program students have been busy, also helping Diggers Rest Primary School with their Athletics Carnival earlier in the year.


Students in our Year 8 and 9 Game Changers program have also been working with one of our local primary schools, visiting Kismet Park Primary School each week, and supporting the Grade 4 students in their Physical Education classes. This has been a wonderful opportunity for our students to serve their local community and learn from the experience, with many noting this activity is one of the highlights of the program.


Our VET Sport and Recreation students at Year 11 have also been very active in the community so far this year. They are also supporting Kismet Park Primary School this term, taking Grade 1 students for Physical Education lessons. In the lead up to these activities, the VET students learn coaching strategies to be able to develop the physical skills of the primary students they coach.


Thank you to Kathy Cvitkovic and her team of staff from Kismet Park Primary School for providing this opportunity for our students. 


I want to also thank Brie Berzins (Student Leadership Development Leader), Demie Klaromenos (Academic Sports Program Coordinator), Elana Lilla (Engagement Program Learning Specialist), and Thomas Payne (VET Sport and Recreation teacher) for helping to facilitate these leadership development opportunities for our students.


Best wishes

Craig O’Bree