Dear Parents and Carers,


As part of our 2024 Review of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP Years 7-9), we are seeking your feedback by completing the following survey. It should only take 5-10 minutes but in doing so will help us to understand areas in which we can improve our programme further. Your input would be greatly valued.





At MESC we continue to develop, implement, understand and integrate IB standards and practices more explicitly and consistently over time. These are aspirational and always evolving. As a college, we have been very busy continuing to undertake a review of our MYP Programme. This has involved undertaking a review of our MYP policies, including our Assessment, Inclusion, Academic Integrity, Language and Enrolment policies along with other school policies. All of which can be viewed on our website,  https://mesc.vic.edu.au/our-college/policies/


As a college, we continue to reflect on our pedagogical teaching and learning practices and our assessment procedures. New staff have been undertaking professional learning this week along with other staff completing IB MYP professional learning relevant to their subject areas. This week also saw some of the School Improvement Team (SIT) visiting Kunyung Primary School to help support the transition of students from primary to secondary school and the movement for some students from the IB PYP Programme to MESC’s MYP Programme.


If you would like to be involved further in the review process, please contact me at the college or via email for more information.


Kind regards, 

Kylie Russell | IB MYP Coordinator