
Grade 2 will cover two units this term encompassing both the Visible Wellbeing Framework teachings and the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program.


Emotional Management 

Within the Visible Wellbeing Framework students will partake in daily brain breaks that will energise, calm and relax them. They will then engage deeper with the unit on Emotional Management which will recap some fundamental teachings learnt in Term 1 from the RRRR unit on Emotional Literacy. It is essential students learn how to become present with their own emotions by identifying, understanding and managing them. 


Problem Solving 

Topic 4 within Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program assists students to learn how there are many ways to solve conflict, identify appropriate methods to use when making decisions and rehearse methods when solving low level interpersonal problems. Students will have opportunities to critically think about the consequences of actions when working through mock challenges and problems that are presented to them within Wellbeing lessons. 


What can you do at home? 

Encourage your children to ask members of their family for help to solve low level problems. They could share the learnt hula hoop model after it is taught in class as a method for resolving problems.