Carlsruhe Annexe / 

Main Campus - Year 4

It's amazing to think we are already three weeks into Term Two! There has been so much happening already this term both at Woodend and Carlsruhe. 


At Carlsruhe, we have had two more sessions of our first activity cycle of the year. The students have been having a brilliant time completing each of the tasks, which has included cooking/baking, calligraphy, pastel art, friendship bracelets, gardening and making our special wooden pencil cases. A huge thank you to all our parents and grandparents, who have given their time to come in and run these sessions with us. You are central to the success of these activities and without you it wouldn’t happen, so you and your skills are very much appreciated! This week will see the final session for this cycle for 4LS who will be returning to the Woodend campus from week 5, passing the baton to 4SM who will be starting at Carlsruhe from the Thursday of week 5.

During week 2, 4AI and 4LS completed our first visit of the year to the Campaspe as part of our River Detectives program. We completed our habitat sketches, a scientific diagram of what the river site looks like with key features that are both manmade and natural, clearly labelled. This will be used later in the Spring when we repeat the task, comparing the similarities and differences of the flora and fauna that grows along the riverbanks. We measured the river width, the water and air temperatures, and took water samples. This enabled us to test and analyse for pH, turbidity, reactive phosphorus, and conductivity, of which the results are then used to give us an indication of the health of our river site, which is then reported as part of a statewide citizen science survey. We will be collecting regular samples for testing throughout the year, using them as part of our work on data collection. 4SM will complete their sketches once they have settled into the routines at Carlsruhe. 4LS will continue to participate in the River Detectives program whilst at the Woodend campus, using our local Five Mile Creek for collecting samples and analysis.

Last week saw us participate in the whole school cross country day which was great fun. It was fabulous to see so many excited faces in their house colours, ready to do their best. The children returned to school in high spirits, filled with pride for both themselves, and their friends who have been chosen to represent our school. We also had the Lapathon this week which was a huge success. The children did a brilliant job.


Last Thursday, we enjoyed our public holiday commemorating ANZAC day in our own special ways. Plenty of our children participated in the parade through Woodend as well as the dawn service at Memorial Cross on Mount Macedon. They enjoyed sharing their experiences in class on Friday, writing poems, stories, personal narratives and fact file presentations as part of our writing session. Earlier in the week we looked at the symbols used to remember our fallen ANZACs, sang songs and reflected on the sacrifices they made for us to live the lives we lead today. Some of us also created artwork featuring a silhouette of a soldier and a cross against a dawn sky (see photos below).

Year 4 Teachers

Ann Ireland (4AI), Louise Safstrom (4SM)/Alison Meggs, Lisa Sutch (4LS)