Happy Families

Parenting Website

The Power of Habit

Written by Dr Justin Coulson


James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, writes that,

Goals are for people who care about winning once. Systems are for people who care about winning repeatedly.

We rise or fall according to the level of our systems. But family systems often don’t exist. Chaos, rush, and stress dominate. Spontaneity works on some days. Exhaustion wins on others.


If systems and habits are at the core of our successes, developing effective, usable systems becomes a skill that matters.


Can you write out your morning system? Your weekly meal system? Your exercise routine or system?


What’s the system for strengthening your relationship with your spouse or partner? Your kids?


Here are two practical systems I recommend:



  • Prep everything from uniforms, shoes, and schoolbags to breakfast choices and lunch decisions the night before.
  • Get enough sleep (that’s children and parents).
  • Wake up early enough to be ready before the kids need to get started.
  • Wake your children up with at least a 15-minute margin in case of challenges.
  • Reduce correction and direction and build connection by asking how you can help.

Develop your morning system along these guidelines and watch your family’s effectiveness and connection shift.


Getting on the Same Page

  • Have a weekly couples meeting and a weekly family meeting (with treats if necessary).
  • Ask, “What’s working this week?”, “What’s not?”, and “What will we work on next week?”
  • Make a plan and ensure kids and partner buy-in.
  • Integrate accountability processes each morning or evening.

These are idea starters, not gospel. Creating positive habits together with small and consistent daily actions aligned with your system moves the needle.


It’s not just about what you do today, but about what you do every day. Your family’s happiness and your parenting effectiveness will reflect the habits you establish over time.