Year -1/2 Unit

Year 1/2’s had a terrific run for Cross Country last Wednesday. Each student wore their House colours and completed an impressive 4 laps around the oval! Superstar effort!
Recently all students have enjoyed taking a closer look at how toys move, and they even had the opportunity to build a simple catapult to launch pom poms around the classroom. This week students will be using the catapult as the topic for their explanation writing.
Students have been looking forward to Lapathon on Wednesday the 1st of May. Don’t forget to collect your sponsorship money afterwards!
It is terrific to see students swapping their home readers every day for a new one, except when they have a longer book that may take a few nights to read. Many students are progressing along the Home Reading Award displays in our classrooms. With mid-year reports coming up, Year 1/2 teachers will begin formal reading assessments in the coming weeks to measure growth in reading.
Students are also excited for the Toy Incursion coming up on May 20th.
Year 1/2 Teachers
Debbie Thompsopn (12T)/Greer Arnold, Lyndsay Adamson (12A),
Zoe Sutherland (12S)/Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont (12B)/Greer Arnold,
Katherine Richardson (12R)