Students will continue to build on their knowledge of Number and Place Value, with Year One students working with numbers up to 120 and Year Two students up to 999. Please continue to practise counting with your child by 2’s, 5’s and 10s forwards and backwards, and from different starting points.
This term, students will be focusing on addition and subtraction. We will be looking at the most efficient mental and written strategies we can use to solve addition and subtraction number stories. Some of the strategies we will be learning about include using our tens facts, using doubles, counting on, counting up, counting back and the split and jump strategies. We will use number lines to help us solve different problems as a way of showing our thinking.
In Measurement and Geometry, the areas we will focus on this term are telling the time, length, 2D and 3D shapes. In Year 1, students will begin to explore time to the half-hour and describe the key features of an analogue clock. In Year 2, students will explore time to the quarter hour. In Measurement, students will measure and compare the length of objects using uniform informal units. In Geometry, students will recognise and classify familiar 2D and 3D shapes using their features (corners, sides, edges, faces).