Principal's Update

Welcome back to Term 4!
We hope that everyone enjoyed the school holidays and has returned refreshed. Students have commenced the term with enthusiasm and it has been wonderful to see everyone settle straight back into their classwork.
SunSmart Policy
Hats are compulsory for all students this term as per our SunSmart Policy. Students are to wear a broad brimmed bottle green hat when outside for break times and sport. If students do not have a hat they are available to purchase at the office for $12.
Loud Shirt Day
Next Friday, 20th October, we will be participating in Loud Shirt Day. Students are encouraged to wear a 'loud' shirt and bring a gold coin donation. Loud Shirt Day celebrates the achievements of children with hearing loss! Your support will provide children with hearing loss the resources they need to connect, communicate and thrive!
Pre prep program
Friday 3rd November will be our first pre-prep session for the year. We are excited to meet our future preps for 2024. The pre-prep program provides a strong transition for students starting primary school and helps to ease the anxiety and worries of starting school. This will run from 9:30-12:00 in the Multi-purpose room.
Have a great week!
Claye Runnalls