Student Voice

Miss Carly Epskamp

Welcome to the Student Voice section of our newsletter. This week, the Level Three and Four students have contributed.  They have had quite a busy few weeks with Dance Curriculum and Gymnastics classes too. 


Quincy 3Q - Gymnastics was my favourite activity this week because it had a trampoline and a bouncy thing. I felt happy when I did this activity. The gymnastics teacher and my teacher made me feel confident. I would rate this activity as 5 stars. I would definitely recommend this activity to other students.


Nick - 3Q

My favourite activity was learning angles in maths because I didn’t know about them. I wasn’t confident at the start because I thought it was going to be hard, but it was actually easy. Miss Quinn helped me understand and she showed us a video that helped me. If I could change something I would be more confident from the start. I would give this activity a 4 stars rating. I would recommend learning about angles to all students regardless of age. I don’t need to do this again as I have mastered this skill.


Mani 3B – I loved the Dance Curriculum because it made me feel so excited. The dance moves that Dean taught us were really fun. At first, I was a little nervous to perform, but after a few sessions I felt confident!


Giti 3B – I really enjoyed our first gymnastics session this week. When I was in Iran, I used to do gymnastics and it was so fun, so this reminded me of that. I love doing cartwheels and other moves, I find it really relaxing.


Khloe 4WB - My favourite activity in the past week was the Dance Curriculum. I enjoyed it because it was a fun experience to learn hip hop, something I’ve wanted to do for a while. I’d give it five stars because it was great to do it every day and look forward to the performance on Friday.


Harris 4WB - I have really enjoyed doing gymnastics. It's improving my flexibility with amazing teachers because it’s a skill that’s really helpful for life. I’d rate it five stars because it is fun and improving my ability to move better and help myself.


Luka 4S – I really liked making the treasure maps because we had to add a heap of detail to it, like symbols, a compass rose and a key.


Hannah 4S – I really enjoyed it when we made treasure maps for Maths. It was fun writing the directions to the hidden treasure.


Layan 4S – This week it was fun doing Performing Arts, because we are learning new dances and songs to sing.


Will  4S – I liked going to the dance concert and performing to our song Another One Bites the Dust. There was lots of parents, so it made me nervous but I still had lots of fun!


Samson 4K - I really enjoyed dancing this week! I loved the dance moves and I really liked how the dance teacher played all or favourite songs with such cool dance moves. I was so scared at the start and thought it would be embarrassing but I really enjoyed it after I noticed my friends weren't doing it perfectly either. I give this activity 4 out of 5 stars.


Trista 4K - I really enjoyed doing our escape room challenge in maths. We needed to explain what we thought the chances and variable were of things happening. Like we had to flip a coin 10 times and see what results we would get when we flipped the coin that many times. We also had to record the time it took us all to make a origami butterfly and then crack a code as the last activity. To win you had to record what happened and explain the chance variables in mathematical vocabularies.

I really liked it because I won the escape room key and we got to play tag with the class. I give this activity 4 stars out of 5 because we got a reward at the end and everyone had to listen to my rules.