Student Recognition Awards

Congratualtions to the following students who have received a student recognition award!
Class | Student | Award |
Prep M | Avina | for reading so well this week and for your wonderful comprehension.
Prep M | Nikrad | for settling into Prep M so well. You are trying hard and making some nice friendships. |
Prep P | Zachary | for always sharing facts about animals with the class. Your knowledge is incredible! |
Prep P | Dylan | for showing growth in his resilience. Well done trying, even when things are challenging! |
Prep W | Miya | for always enjoying school and for demonstrating the correct way to behave in all situations. Keep it up Miya! |
Prep W | Nima | for working on displaying a persistent and positive attitude towards your school work. Well done Nima! |
1G | Anthony | for always trying to do his best and for working well with others. Well dome Anthony. Keep aiming high! |
1G | Jingyuan | for making a wonderful start at Doncaster Primary School. Well done Jingyuan for trying your very best and using all class time wisely. Keep aiming high! |
1L | Minato | for being so brave when starting as a new student at DPS. Well done Minato in being so friendly and kind to all of your new peers whilst making many new friends. |
1L | Sammie | for her hard work and dedication to learning. Sammie is always working to the best of her ability in every work task, consistently trying to improve. Well done! |
1S | Annabel | for showing persistence in handwriting sessions. I am so proud of your work, carefully forming your letters. Keep it up! |
1S | Elwyn | for settling back into the classroom well, following the routines and organising yourself. We are so happy to have you back! |
2M | Joly | For making such a positive start to DPS. You are settling into 2M so well! |
2M | Ryan G | for great work in spelling and handwriting. You have come such a long way and all your teachers are very proud of you, Ryan! |
2Q | Jundi | for settling in well into your new school. Well done Jundi! |
2Q | Radin | for pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and always doing your best. Excellent work! |
2Q | Cooper | for always doing your best work and for your positive attitude. Well done Cooper! |
2S | Svetha | for being a kind and caring friend. Well done, Svetha! |
2S | Chloe | for being a kind and caring friend. Well done, Chloe! |
3B | Hope | For being such a kind and helpful class member. Hope has made our new students feel welcomed into the 3B classroom. |
3B | Rex | For taking on board learning from our mini lessons and applying it in his writing. I am really impressed by your use of similes to engage your reader, Rex! |
3G | Diana | For your enthusiasm and perseverance when learning about nouns and adjectives with Mr Lim. Also for being resilient when you were feeling unwell. Great job, Diana! |
3G | Alexi | For your hard work in contributing your ideas when learning about nouns and adjectives with Mr Lim. Well done, Alexi! |
3Q | Roham | Congratulations, Roham! Your attentive listening and willingness to share your knowledge on the English language with the class is truly commendable. Your effort is outstanding! |
3Q | Arsha | Congratulations, Arsha, on displaying remarkable resilience in developing your reading and spelling abilities. I am truly impressed by your determination to listen to feedback and improve your skills. Well done! |
4K | Daniel | For trying so hard in all areas of his work and making commendable achievements this term. He has made outstanding efforts by showing his ability to apply his english language knowledge in his reading and writing, showing his great level of understanding. Keep up the great work Daniel! |
4K | Rachel | For carefully participating in all activities and settling so well into 4K. Thank you for trying so hard to follow the DPS routine and structure even though you have joined us in term 4 . Looking forward to seeing you grow! |
4S | Rehaan | for the outstanding focus he has shown in completing set tasks in a timely manner and the kind way in which he has helped a new student settle into 4S. Thank you for being such a caring classmate! |
4S | Lucas | for his brilliant effort during the dance curriculum this week! Lucas remained focussed, followed all the moves and had fun. Way to make your performance ‘POP’! |
4S | Amanda | for her brilliant effort during the dance curriculum this week! Amanda remained focussed, followed all the moves and had fun. Way to make your performance ‘POP’! |
4WB | Naherica | for your fantastic effort in learning your spelling words this week, especially the difficult BOB word you chose, onomatopoeia |
4WB | Khloe | for your effort in the Dance Curriculum. You are learning the moves quickly and being a great example for the rest of your classmates. |
5C | Grae | for always reading quietly and complete his work. |
5C | Ashton | for focusing and completing set tasks in class. Well done Ashton! Keep it up! |
5E | Ruben | for making such a great start at DPS. You have fit in so well and formed lots of great friendships. It’s so wonderful to have you in 5E. |
5E | Ashley | for all your hard work in all the extension programs. You work so hard and achieve wonderful things in the classroom. |
5K | Shristhi | for always trying her best and working hard to learn something new every day. |
5K | Spencer | for his excellent participation in the dance program this week. |
6C | Georgia | for the hard work, concentrated effort and fantastic artwork that you created (that was inspired by the First Nations Culture). |
6C | Eugene | for demonstrating a hardworking, positive and helpful attitude during the cooking lesson at Doncaster Secondary College. |
6J | Melissa | for sharing great ideas in literacy classes. |
6J | Bilguun | for using his time effectively in class to finish his Dreamtime story. |
6M | Ellein | For having a great start to the term and continuing her positive attitude towards her learning throughout all her classwork. Well done Ellein! |
6M | Donya | for having a great start to the term and demonstrating her organisational skills. Well done on completing all your class work and homework on time. Well done Donya! |
Congratulations to the following students who have recieved a student recognition award in a Specilaist class!
Specialist | Student/Class | Award |
Art | Farbod Prep M | for his improvement with listening in the classroom and working hard at his table. Well done, Farbod! |
Art | Sophia 3Q | for her happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of her work! Sophia is a kind and responsible member of 3Q! Well done. |
Art | Siddak 5E | for the attention to detail she applies to all tasks. Siddak uses her artistic flair to complete colourful work. Well done, Siddak! |
Art | Celine 1G | For always trying her best. Celine is a quiet, independent learner who co-operates beautifully with others. Well done! |
Art | Kiki 4WB | For her excellent attitude to all learning tasks. Kiki contributes great ideas and is a kind friend to others. Well done, Kiki! |
Art | Jason 5K | For being actively involved in all our learning experiences. Jason always presents his work neatly and colourfully. Well done, Jason! |
Cultural Studies | Tom Prep M | for being the only member of your class who remembered that the proper name for our song we sing in class is an Acknowledgement of country. I’m so impressed, Tom! |
Cultural Studies | Farbod Prep M | For answering a question this week in Cultural Studies! It was so nice to see you were sitting and listening to the story! Well done Farbod! |
Cultural Studies | Ada 1G | For thinking carefully, and taking your time, to add detail in your drawing in Cultural Studies. Your Songkran Parade float looks great! |
Cultural Studies | Valerie 2S | For drawing a beautiful picture of the Sakura Blossom festival in Japan. It is wonderful to see you include some many things we spoke about. Excellent work , Valerie! |
Cultural Studies | Nicholas 2S | for creating a beautiful Sakura Cherry blossom tree using pink tissue paper. The finished product shows you took care in creating each blossom. Well done, Nicholas! |
Cultural Studies | Mary 3Q | for being a pleasure to teach in Cultural Studies. You always listen well, contribute to class discussions and complete your work to a high standard! You should be very proud Mary! |
LOTE | Lyon 4K | for being a caring and enthusiastic student, working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Lyon! |
LOTE | Addison 4S | for willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Addison! |
LOTE | Chloe 5K | for approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. She shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you, Chloe! |
LOTE | Vivaan 5E | for willing to participate in all class activities and approaching his work with a positive attitude. Well done Vivaan! |
LOTE | Ngoc 6J | for approaching her work with a positive attitude and continues to make good progress. Well done Ngoc! |
LOTE | Hugo 6J | for creating a good Chinese project and responds well during class discussions. Well done Hugo! |
P.E | Ellie 1G | for her outstanding behaviour this week. Ellie was a brilliant listener during the teacher instruction and performed her vortex throwing and baton relay running confidently and with excellent technique. Well done Ellie! |
P.E | Terrence Prep P | for his improved focus during all Physical Education lessons. Terrence has demonstrated what he is capable of this semester, for which he should be extremely proud. Keep it up Terrence! |
P.E | Tvisha 6J | for her great improvement during our bat tennis lesson this week. Tvisha gave 100% effort and followed all instructions provided, demonstrating excellent progress. Well done Tvisha! |
P.E | Ruben 5E | for his amazing focus and effort during all Physical Education lessons. While Ruben has come to the school with excellent hand eye coordination, his behaviour and attitude in all PE lessons ensures he maximises his learning and makes strong progress during each lesson. Awesome job Ruben! |
Performing Arts | Amaira Prep P | For your fantastic effort in our first Performing Arts lesson. You did a great job keeping in time and matching the rhythm! |
Performing Arts | Noah Prep W | For your fantastic effort in our first Performing Arts lesson. You did a great job keeping in time and matching the rhythm! |
Performing Arts | Svetha 2S | for your wonderful contribution to our first Performing Arts lesson! You showed a high level of respect for your classmates and teacher. |
Performing Arts | Alessia 2Q | For your enthusiastic contributions to our first Performing Arts lesson! We cannot wait to see your creativity shine! |
Performing Arts | Caleb 5E | For your enthusiastic contributions to our first Performing Arts lesson! We cannot wait to see your creativity shine! |
Peforming Arts | Benita 5E | For your attentive listening and respect! Thank you for a positive start to Performing Arts in Term 4. Well done! |
Science | Ellie 1G | for her exceptional behaviour in science class, you have really started to show maturity in Science, well done! |
Science | Lucas Prep W | for his great improvement during science. He listens intently and packs up without being told. Amazing work Lucas! |
Science | Hudson 4S | for his fantastic listening during science, Hudson stayed on tasked and showed how interested he was. Well done! |
Science | Anja | for making an amazing start in science. You have fitted in fantastically and show a real love for learning. Well done! |