Fraction in Level 5

Students across Doncaster Primary are going to be learning about fractions over the coming weeks. In Grade Five, we have been learning how to compare, order and model fractions. Students have worked with concrete materials such as these fraction tower blocks, as well as using games and matching activities. They learned how to make equivalent fractions and then used this skill to solve addition and subtraction problems.


Shayan 5E - In maths we are learning about fractions. I really enjoyed learning how to add fractions. I had trouble with multiplying whole numbers with fractions but I practised and now I can do it easily. 


William 5K - In math we learnt about adding and subtracting related and unrelated fractions. It was pretty challenging but fun as I learnt more about fractions.


Ashley 5E - We learnt about fractions in maths. I have learnt how to multiply fractions with a whole number and also how to add and subtract fractions. When multiplying, you just replace the 'x' with 'of', this makes the equation much more simple. 


Edward 5K - We have been learning how to add and subtract fractions with different denominators. We have also been learning how to times and divide fractions.


Noah 5E- In maths we have been learning about fractions and how to simplify them. We have learnt by using videos and Miss El-bay's examples. These were good in showing the step by step process instead of rushing things which helped me understand. 


Valencia 5K - We have been learning about multiplying and dividing fractions in class! The formulas and rules are very interesting. Something we found very cool was that division doesn’t have an explanation.


In maths we are learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. We also are learning how to make equivalent fractions and how to solve improper fractions – Mary 5K