Grade 5/6

Hoop Time 2023

We had an awesome time at Hoop Time. It was great that everyone got to take part. Lots of new skills were acquired. There were lots of happy hot smiling faces.

Thank you so much to the parents that helped us and made the day a huge success.

Applying our Maths Learning to Real Life.

This term the grade 5/6 students have been learning and developing their skills in using fractions, decimals and percentages. We then applied our skills when we started to look at rubbish around the school. We identified areas of the school where rubbish was found and then calculated the fraction and percentage of the area of the school that contained rubbish. We then did an audit of the rubbish in the classroom bins. Next term we are going to let the school know about our findings and how we can reduce the percentage of recyclable waste that was being put into land fill.