Principal's Report

Daniel Webber

Term Three Reflection

Term 3 has seen a hive of events and activities that have unfolded within our school community. It has been a term filled with learning, growth, creativity, fun, and most importantly, connection. It is customary for our students to write a Term Reflection with one student in each class also reading their reflection out at our Last Day Assembly. I thought I would join them and share with you my reflection of Term 3. 

Term 3 began with a burst of enthusiasm as our Grade 5/6 students transformed into time travellers, immersing themselves back into the Gold Rush era. The effort and creativity that went into their costumes during their Gold Rush dress up day was amazing and set the scene for what was to be a fantastic learning focus for the Term. 


In that same week our Prep students celebrated a significant milestone reaching 100 Days Primary School. The joy and excitement on their faces was infectious, reminding us all of the pure love for learning that our youngest students bring to our school. 

By week 3 and 4 we had turned our attention to showcasing our talents in the Performing Arts. The School Concert was an absolute highlight of this term for me. Witnessing the talent and hard work of our students, both on stage and behind the scenes, was inspiring, and a testament to the incredible teamwork and dedication of our teachers and students. One week later and our Grade 5 and 6 performers were on the stage again, showcasing their talents at the Wakakirri Story Dance Festival. The long journey over to Mooney Ponds was well worth it for all the staff and families able to attend, with the outstanding performance of our students leaving us all with a huge sense of pride. 

Back at school, our Prep -Grade 4 students took part in the Professor Bunsen incursion which added a burst of wonder, curiosity and engagement as we delved into the world of science experiments and discoveries. One week later we had moved from Performing Arts and Science to honing and applying our athletic skills at our Athletics Carnival. From our Preps, Grade 1’s and Grade 2’s participating in our tabloid sports to our Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 students pushing themselves to go faster - higher - stronger in the track and field event. The spirit of friendly competition and the joy of participating made it a fantastic day. 


All of that and we are only up to Week 6. The second half of the Term was just as action packed. The Grade 5/6 Camp to Sovereign Hill was a huge highlight of Term 3 and I loved seeing our students embrace all of the experiences that school camps have to offer. Camps are filled with such memorable experiences and connections and that stay with with you long after your time at ACPS. 

We all brought the magic of books to life during our Book Week Parade in Week 7 with the creativity and imagination of all students (or their parents) on full display. We then had our Grade 3 - 6 students doing us proud across weeks 8 and 9, as budding young Basketball stars participating in HoopTime.

We also celebrated our Dads at our Fathers Day Breakfast. 

Then we reach Friday, the last day of Term 3 and we are still at it, making the most out of every opportunity and celebrating our Term 3 achievements together, having some fun in our footy colours for our Footy Pie Day. 


I would like to say a huge thank you to our incredible staff, dedicated and supportive parents, and wonderful students for continuing to make ACPS the special place it is. 


I look forward to the exciting journey that awaits us in the final term of 2023 - which I like to call the Christmas Term!!


Daniel Webber
