Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Mrs Angela Gioia & Ms Natasha McKenna

This Term during Discovery, the Grade 2 topic is 'Survival of the Fittest'. During this unit, we are looking at living and non-living things, animal habitats, survival needs and more. Last week we researched what living things need to survive. We then, researched the life cycle of a mealworm before setting up and introducing our new class pets! All Grade 2 classrooms are studying and recording their findings about meal worms using an observation diary. We have even named some of them! 

A reminder that we are heading to the Melboure Zoo on Wednesday November 29th and that all money and permission notes are due back by the 17th November. Thanks to those who have already paid and returned their notes! :)

                         Fractured Fairytales in 2B!

In Grade 2, we have been experimenting with fractured fairtales by taking well known tales and changing some details, adding sequels and writing from different charcters perspectives. Here is a sneak peak of the amazing stories we have written in 2B!


 The Harp

I was having a graceful nap when the dark, dusty, cobweb closed cupboards swung open! A huge waitress had just interrupted my sleep as she snatched me out of the cupboard. How rude if you ask me! She gave me to my master. Phew! I played the most beautiful, peaceful tune I could for my master. But I heard a little pitter, patter coming towards the table! I was about to wake up the giant, I mean my master, since he was asleep, but he was so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake him up. Then in 5 seconds flat, Jack had crept up onto the table, stolen me and was climbing down the beanstalk!...  

By Kahleesi


The Three Bears

When Goldilocks ran away the bears followed her to her house. When they got there the bears started to destroy everything in the house. The next day, the Three Bears and Goldilocks got over it. Goldilocks and the bears became friends and then they liked each other...

By Hakim


Little Red Riding Hood

My aunty said to me to go & give your mother some flowers. So I put on my favourite red riding hood and went into the forest to collect a bunch of flowers. While I was picking a bunch of flowers , a big fat cow appeared from the bushes. I said "Good Morning, how are you?"

The cow said, "I am good thanks. Where are you going?" 

"I am going to deliver some flowers to my mum," I said 

The cow said goodbye and hurried I off to my mum's house...

By Harvey



It was April the 25th when I was stolen by Jack! Yes, the boy from Jack and the Beanstalk, where he tells his part of the story. Well this is my part! So listen to how I never wanted to be stolen. So hear we go. 

           I was playing the most beautiful melody, the giant's favourite song, while he ate his dinner. He fell asleep and got ketchup all over his face! I got tired and stopped  playing, and that's when Jack came, and tried to steal me! So I tried playing music as loud as I could. It worked! The giant woke up and because the giant had ketchup all over his face, Jack ran away and screamed and never came back! ...

By Harriet


Little Red Basketball Top

One little morning there was a girl named Kahleesi. Kahleesi's grandad was very sick so her mother asked her to pack some food for him. She pack her bag  and off she went. she pack medicine just in case but she got distracted by a basketball game.  It was the Unicorns. She wanted to watch the game but she decided to keep on walking along. Kahleesi got a little hungry, she wanted to stop  and eat. Then someone suddenly came and snatched the basket off Kahleesi....

By Audrey