Teaching & Learning

Ms Jacqui McAlister

Dear PVN families,


We have been gradually implementing our new maths instructional model this year following professional learning by Peter Sullivan.  Peter's title: Emeritus Professor, School of Curriculum Teaching & Inclusive Education also the author of the Australian Education Review publication “Teaching mathematics: Using research-informed strategies”.    

Our school focus this year has been: Structuring lessons to engage all students in thinking mathematically.  Our big picture goal is to build student agency in learning, encouraging them to think and problem solve their way through mathematical problems. 








Here are Year 3/4 student responses about their new maths model.

When I'm struggling a bit I know that means I'm really learning 65%73%
I enjoy maths more and learn better when it is challenging  55%67%
When something is hard I keep trying - I don't give up easily 72%90%

We are please to see growth in our students' learning dispositions and will continue to develop these over the coming years.



Ms McAlister