

Mrs Rowena Lytton

Showing Respect in the classroom:

Students need to work with a variety of different people throughout the day. They can be

  • Teachers
  • Friends
  • Peers 
  • Parents
  • Helpers
  • Visitors

Relationships change continuously as students mature and build their social skills. They will not always be smooth and people will never agree with everyone but it is important for everyone to show respect despite differences of opinion or experiences.


In the classroom it is an expectation that students speak kindly, respectfully and at an appropriate volume. They are learning to solve conflicts with words either by themselves or with assistance from a teacher depending on the issue. Students are expected to complete their work and follow teacher instructions to maximise their learning opportunities and seek help when needed.

What can you do at home?

Talk to your child positively about their school experience. Help them navigate issues and talk through possible solutions. Keep in mind that all students are learning the skills they need to interact with different people and have different levels of experience. 


Remember you model the behaviour you find acceptable and students will repeat things they hear at home. They will react the way you do in similar situations so modelling respectful ways to solve conflict will help them learn. 


If you are concerned about your child’s engagement in the classroom or the way they interact with their teacher or peers speak to them about how they should behave and what support might be available to help.