Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Teacher's Day - TODAY

Today we celebrated our teaching staff, to acknowledge their enthusiasm, dedication, caring and positivity in their day to day teaching of our students.

Thank you to the many families and stduents who made cards and wished their teachers a happy day! This is greatly appreciated.


Speaking of wonderful teaching staff.... Well done to our Ms Elizabeth.

Ms Elizabeth completed in the Melbourne Marathon last Sunday.   She dedicated months of training to prepare herself both physically and mentally for the run and we would like to congratulate her on her amazing effort. Ms Elizabeth's chosen charity was The Children's Cancer Institute.  Should you wish to make a donation, please click on the link below.



It has been fabulous to see the huge majority of students, including our year 5/6's wearing hats everyday. We have also had an improvement in students wearing correct school uniform. Thank you to the families that are encouraging their children to follow the school's expectations.



Parent discussion Forum


Thank you to the parents/guardians who have already put their name on the list to attend our school session on a few of the questions from our parent opinion survey this year. We are hoping to have an open conversation about how we can further improve in these areas.

  • Teachers communicate with me often enough about my child’s progress
  • Teachers provide useful feedback and respond to the learning needs of my child
  • Homework and organisational skills

Please head to the compass post to register.



It is lovely to see many families before school and after school within the playground. Hopefully our weather will improve and we will see more families catching up together in our school grounds.

 I also wanted to say thank you to you all for being respectful to our local neighbours and ensuring you are not parking in their spaces or parking in the VET clinics spaces. It can be quite stressful and busy after school with picking up students, but we have not had any complaints from our neighbours for quite some time. Cheers!



Term 4 is always an exciting and busy time in a school. It’s a term of consolidating and celebrating the skills, learning and friendships that have grown and developed  over the year. As a staff we wonder at the difference we see in the children, not just physically, but academically, emotionally and socially. It really is so very rewarding for educators and we encourage our teachers to stop and appreciate the part they have played in the life of the children they teach.

We have just been undertaking many assessments  due to being term 4 and teachers are   writing end of year reports. It is pleasing to hear the many positive stories of students who have made significant progress. Our tutors have been testing reading and making comments such as;  "Oh, I have to test X again, they have read 4 books and has made so much improvement". 

The main element of what we do is to teach our students to be confident and to understand that making mistakes and not knowing the answers is what learning is all about. We believe that challenge is an important element in our teaching programs and that this will further strengethen our students.


Please remember that we have a student free day coming up on Monday 6th November and Tuesday 7th November is a public holiday for the Melbourne Cup.