Prep - Grade 2 Swimming

Our School Swimming Programme will begin in Week 7 - Monday 13th November. Students in Grade Prep, Grade One and Grade Two will attend daily swimming lessons across a two week period at Elite Swimming Pool. 


The dates are as follows:


First week: Monday 13th November, Tuesday 14th November, Wednesday 15th November, Thursday 16th November.

Second week: Monday 20th November, Tuesday 21st  November, Wednesday 22nd  November and Thursday 23rd November.


Students will need to bring: bathers, towel, comb, underwear, socks, goggles (optional) in a plastic bag.  Long hair needs to be tied back or a swimming cap can be worn.  Students should come to school wearing their bathers under their clothes.


Please ensure that all your child’s clothing is clearly labelled (including school uniform). 


Due to the large number of students attending, we ask that parents don’t attend lessons.  Classroom teachers and support staff will be at the pool to supervise and assist children. The swimming program is a great lead up to sleepovers and camps, giving children the opportunity to be responsible for themselves and their belongings.


Thank you


Mrs Elena

Swimming Coordinator