3/4 Area

Monique Herbert, Rachel Foy, Emily Giliam, Elizabeth Higham, Sarah Castellas, Denise Diamantopoulos, Cansu Cerrah, Nicole Riley, Ruth Chamberlain-Hitchens and Andrew Francis

On Tuesday October 24th, the Year 3/4s spent the day at Scienceworks, building on our current Discovery learning on the topic of flight.  


During the Blast Off show, Gordon challenged us to consider the definition of a rocket, expanding our thinking about what counts as rocket fuel by demonstrating muscle-powered, air-powered and alka-seltzer-powered rockets.


Students also enjoyed exploring the Beyond Perceptions, Think Ahead and sporting exhibits, following their interests as they engaged with the vast array of interactive displays.  Please enjoy some photos from our day!    


The Blast Off show!
What is the definition of a rocket?
An air-fuelled balloon rocket.
Alka-seltzer and water create an explosion!
The challenges of exercising in space...
The Blast Off show!
What is the definition of a rocket?
An air-fuelled balloon rocket.
Alka-seltzer and water create an explosion!
The challenges of exercising in space...
The Beyond Perception exhibit.
Our Discovery topic!
The Beyond Perception exhibit.
Our Discovery topic!
Having a marvellous time at Sportsworks
Having a marvellous time at Sportsworks
Learning about a lot of things
at the
Think Ahead Exhibition
Learning about a lot of things
at the
Think Ahead Exhibition