2023 School Concert

Around the World in 18 Grades

Hello PVN Community, 


Last week marked the launch of our 2023 school concert, set for December 1st at 3:30pm on the grounds of our wonderful school. 


Join us on an amazing journey as we follow a group of adventurers travel around the world in 18 grades and celebrate our incredibly talented students as they perform acts of song, dance, mystery and wonder!


Information and involvement notes went home last week, which need to be completed and sent back with your children by Wednesday 1st November. 


For your convenience a copy of the note is attached below and if a physical copy is needed, one can be collected from the school's administration office. 



Costume notes will also have started to arrive home this week from your classroom teachers, providing information on what your child will need to bring to school on the day of the concert to change into at lunchtime before the performance.


More information will be provided to you as we head closer towards the date.


Lastly if, for any unfortunate circumstances should the concert not be able to go ahead on the 1st, we have a backup date set for the following week on Thursday 7th of December. 



Warm regards,


Mr Nicholas Stamp