School of Wonder


Ca$h is King! And don't the Year 1/2's know it?!


As budding entrepreneurs the children set up shop recently, eager to sell their wares to their classmates and in so doing, counted coins and dollars as part of their numeracy session. With interesting pricing clearly labelled, eager customers bartered with tenders who were as equally glad to count their cash. What a wonderful, authentic way to learn about currency!

Online Safety always on the mind


Have you ever thought of the internet as being like a theme park?


Year 1/2's learnt about online safety and how to navigate internet sites through Ollie Online's, The Internet is Like a Theme Park song.


While students danced to the song they sang the following message of safety:

 There are lots of fun things to do, but also things to look out for too

Rides can be fun, but scary too

Amazing things to see, but can still confuse you too

If you feel worried there is a grown up there for you to keep you safe at the theme park, and online too.

What a fun, engaging and lasting way to learn about cyber safety. At St Anne's College cyber safety messages are revisited and discussed regularly as children continue their learning both online and off.

School of Wonder


Term 4 has begun with lots of events and activities happening for SOW. Students have settled back into their learning and the routines of school beautifully. Our young people demonstrate every day what a special place St Anne’s is and blessed we are to have such an amazing community.





Our swimming program began in Week 2 with our 3/4 students swimming everyday. Our students conducted themselves responsibly and respectfully as they learnt many skills including water safety and backstroke. In week 4 our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students will attend the pool every day. 

Running our swimming program in Term 4 aims to provide students with skills that set them up for the summer ahead. A huge thank you to Emma for organising and coordinating our swimming program.


Please see attached the upcoming time schedule for F-2

Week Four

Mon - Fri


 St Anne's College Kialla Y2

11:30 - 12:15


St Anne's College Kialla Y1

12:15 - 1:00


St Anne's College Kialla Prep

1.00 - 1.45


St Anne's College Kialla Prep

1:45 - 2:30


College Production - Matilda:


Congratulations to all St Anne’s students and staff who worked tirelessly to make our college production of Matilda such a success. Sold out every night!!! What an amazing achievement by everyone.





Thank you to all our wonderful families who were able to attend our assembly on Monday. It was another wonderful celebration of our school and our young people. Thank you to Nikea’s pastoral group for hosting. 


Concluding assembly with energy and enthusiasm, SOW children routinely delight in singing and dancing to a special song imbued with positive messaging.

With Nikea's pastoral group leading with gusto, this week's assembly concluded with a rousing rendition of My Lighthouse. My Lighthouse celebrates following God, who is the beacon of light that protects and loves us.



Teaching and Learning:


Our aim as Educators is always to improve student learning outcomes for all our learners. We continue to strive to improve our professional practice to ensure that our learners get the very best learning opportunities and outcomes. Our SOW team works collaboratively to provide thought provoking learning experiences to our learners. Our learner assets (collaboration, communication, self-management, thinking and researching) are life long skills that set our young people up to life long learners and to continually question, explore and challenge their thinking. Please direct any teaching and learning inquiries to Megan Shiner.





Wellbeing is a holistic term that encompasses all aspects of a student's life, including their physical, social, mental and emotional state. It is often defined as a sustainable state of positive mood and attitude, resilience, and satisfaction with self, relationships and experiences at school.

Wellbeing at St Anne’s is driven by the themes of doing our best, allowing everyone to succeed.



Hats and Sunscreen:


In Term 4 it is a school expectation that we are all wearing hats when we are outside. If a student does not have a hat, they are required to stay under the covered areas provided. Please ensure that hats are clearly labeled with your child’s name. 

All students are reminded and encouraged to bring their own SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen to school. Staff will oversee the safe use of sunscreen.



Upcoming events:


Swimming Program (F-2) begins Monday, October 23 and will run for the school week.


Year 1/2 Zoo excursion - Tuesday, October 31 - Please see PAM for details and forms to be completed.


Friday, November 17 - PJ dress up day. Students can come dressed in their PJ’s and will bring their favourite bedtime story to share with their pastoral group. A day of reading, dreaming and imagination will take place and will conclude with SOW coming together to watch the college production of Matilda Jr the Musical.



SOW leaders email contact:

Megan Shiner & Emma O’Keeffe- School of Wonder Leaders