Learning In My Level 

A celebration of what's happening across the school!


Welcome back to term 4!  


We hope you had a wonderful break and are looking forward to all of the wonderful and exciting things happening in Term 4.  


This term our Inquiry unit is Plants and Gardens. Foundation students have begun looking in the school gardens and learning about the different parts of nature they can see/hear/touch/smell-trees, plants, animals and vegetables! We have a variety of engaging activities planned to learn more about how plants grow including some planting of our own. We are also lucky enough to be heading on an excursion to the Royal Botanic Gardens on Wednesday 8th November.  


Foundation students have been sharing lots of special memories from their holidays through whole class sharing and writing. During Show and Tell time students have been presenting their speeches on ‘The best thing about being me’. We have been very impressed with the preparation, confidence and ideas from our Foundation students. It will be a difficult task to choose just one Foundation student for the Public Speaking Competition. 


Swimming has begun this week and Foundation students have been very excited to be travelling to Aquanation on the bus and learning in the pool with their peers. We would like to thank our wonderful and dedicated parent helpers who been available to meet us at the pool and help students with getting changed. We appreciate your help immensely.  


We are happy to be back in our class communities and are straight back into learning!  


Don’t forget to have your hat at school!  


Foundation Team