
Friday 20th October is Loud Shirt Day at WPS
Wembley Primary School is excited to be getting LOUD for Loud Shirt Day, a fun day that is all about wearing your brightest, most colourful, wackiest shirt to help raise much-needed awareness and funds. All funds raised will assist in ensuring children with hearing loss, and their families, have access to the support they need to achieve their full potential.
On Friday 20th October 2023 we encourage all students and teachers to wear their ‘loudest’ shirt to school and make a gold coin donation. There will be opportunities for students to participate in activities to learn about hearing loss and to foster awareness and inclusivity about hearing devices.
Donations for Loud Shirt Day, to support this extremely worthwhile cause, can be made at:
The Junior School Council will also host a disco on the basketball court at lunch.
S O L E T ’ S G E T L O U D W E M B L E Y ! !
Waste-Free Wednesdays
The Sustainability Captains and team would like to say a big thank you to our Wembley community and all of the people who responded to our survey regarding Waste-Free lunches which was sent out last term. We also want to thank people for the great suggestions and supportive comments they made, which were much appreciated by our Sustainability Captains, Matilda Ruddick and Lola Crosbie-Paul.
We were thrilled to receive so many responses, with over 100 people responding. An overwhelming number of respondents said that they would like to trial ‘waste-free lunches’ once a week or more. 38% of people voted for waste free lunches to occur once a week, while another 38% voted for them to occur every day. Given these results, we would like to launch:
We would like to invite our community to give their best effort in reducing the amount of single-use plastic in their lunchboxes on Wednesdays. Of course if you were one of the people who voted for every day to be waste-free, then we would encourage you to make every day a waste-free lunch day. We won’t be counting lunchboxes, but we will be celebrating some excellent example photos of waste-free lunchboxes in future posts and on our website. This way, you will be able to gather great new ideas from other families at school!
We will be starting Waste-Free Wednesdays from next week, with Wednesday October 11 being our first Waste-free Wednesday. Thank you also to those of you who provided other suggestions and ideas for our Sustainability team regarding other areas of improvement we could make in the area of sustainability. We have heard you and will move forward with these ideas in mind!
See the Wembley Parents Association page for more details on our Spook-a-thon