Student Leaders

News from our school leaders


Sustainability Website Link Here

Our Sustainability Captains have been hard at work on their projects and initiatives alongside Sofia Courtney. Please see their above website for updates (and podcast) on their progress! 


Music Concert 2023

Although our Wembley Music Concert was last term, we realise that the article below article never made it into a newsletter:

On Friday, 11th of August (Term 3 Week 5),  we had our music concert with the whole school. It was just amazing to see all the students coming together, singing and dancing and playing instruments. The day was a success and we all had a blast after practicing every week - everyone did beautifully!


We had a full house at every concert. We had help from our fabulous music committee, music teachers and music captains on the day and in the lead up to the event. The day was a blast and so enjoyable for everyone involved.


In the Prep-2 concert, “Little Red Riding Hood”, we had a beautiful set of narrators. Despite their nerves, they did a great job at guiding us through the story.  The Prep-2 students sang seven songs and used lots of the Wembley primary school values on the day. We had all the children who were at school on the day participate in the concert. 


Year 2 Narrators:

  • Brandon (2A)
  • Hayley (2A)
  • Finch  (2A)
  • Aria (2B)
  • Jamie (2B)
  • Zali (2B)
  • Atharv (2C)
  • Janaki  (2C)
  • Arlo (2C)
  • Kisa (2C)
  • Harrison (2D)
  • Lilia (2D)
  • Lucy (2D)

“Singing in Harmony” was a beautiful performance done by the Year 3 & 4’s. The show opened with the lovely grade 4 choir singing a humorous song, asking the audience to turn their phones off. The grade 3’s then started. We had 6 beautiful songs sung to us including an indigenous song called “Sesere Eeye” as well as “Dynamite” by BTS as the finale songs.


For the final performance of the day, we had the Year 5 & 6’s perform in “Battle of the Bands”. Each of the classes performed pop songs such as, “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” and ‘This Is Me’ from “The Greatest Showman”. We had students singing and performing on keyboards, guitars and ukuleles.


Everyone should be proud of all the work they put into preparing for their concerts as well as how they performed on stage, as it is not an easy thing to do. We would also like to thank our Performing Arts teachers, Regina Tan and Alison Briskey for helping and preparing us. We had so much fun and we can’t wait to see the videos of our performances!



By Audrey and Amelie.

Wembley Student Leaders 2023

School Captains

Olive Currow

Jet Smith

Hannah Mackey

Rex Rees

Vice School Captains

Stella Kiltorp

Octavia Farfaglia

PE Captains

Luka Coskun

Annabelle Brown

Art Captains

Maddi Sinclair

Alana Pennington Fabian

Performing Arts & Music Captains

Amelie Taylor

Audrey Kiltorp

French Captains

Charlie Archer

Aaira Rizvi

Kulin House Captains

Oscar Chetcuti

Erin Theodoridis

McIvor House Captains

Alison Feely

Stephanie Dimevski

Cruikshank House Captains

Luis Curatolo

Lily Nguyen

Westgate House Captains

Austin Rees

Meabh Coleman

Wellbeing Captains

Alice Pretty

Kyon Cripps

Wellbeing Ambassador

Zoe Fazio

Peer Mediator Captains

Miles Dowling

Ellie Holder

ICT Captains

Kiran Murthy

Georgi Edwards

Sustainability and Environmental Captains

Lola Crosbie-Paul

Matilda Ruddick