Lindsey Delooze - Acting Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion
Melanie Irons - Acting Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Engagement and Wellbeing
Tom Penberthy - Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
Kelly Edwards - School Counsellor
Week 3
As we move through Term 4, towards the end of the year, there are lots of transitions going to be happening for all our lovely young people. For those that have children transitioning to high school, this is a big change that although exciting, may also cause some additional stress. It is really important to acknowledge these feelings and understand why our body is responding the way it is. We would try and encourage any child who is feeling worried, to explore a list of positives to consider what they have to look forward to. Some children may be feeling nervous about making new friends, or having to push themselves out of their comfort zone. There are lots of strategies that can help children who are experiencing anxiety around transitions such as breathing techniques, journaling, positive self talk etc. Sometimes acting confident, even when you don't feel it, may be a way of pushing through those feelings. Basically 'Fake it 'til you make it'!
If you feel that your child could benefit from some extra support around any of the transitions they have coming up, let your child's teacher know as an initial point of contact.
We are very excited to be welcoming Kelly to the team next week. Kelly joins us as a school counsellor and will be in school on Mondays and Wednesdays.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
Current Whole School Behaviour Focus - Be fair
This week we have introduced our next behaviour focus: ‘Be fair' as part of our focus on the value of respect. Being fair is about being just and impartial, treating everyone equitably and ensuring that no one is subjected to bias or discrimination.
Students have been learning about ways we can show fairness by being honest, sharing things and giving people equal turns. Students and Wembley staff are watching for examples of students being fair and recording a nomination for these students. If your child comes home with a blue respect stamp, be sure to ask them what they did to earn this stamp.
Keep a look out for our posters around school showing everyone how to be fair.
Previous Whole School Behaviour Focus - Being courteous
Over the previous two weeks, students have been learning about the behaviour of 'being courteous' as part of our value of respect. Being courteous is about being polite and considerate towards other people. Students have been learning about ways we can be courteous by using our manners, listening to people when they are speaking and showing patience.
As part of these lessons, students looked at scenarios where they could show courtesy as well as reading books that discussed how to be courteous. Students were also given stamps and nominated for our Wembley Values Award when they were seen 'being courteous'.
Wembley Values Award Winners
Thank you to all the students who nominated their peers when they saw them showing our behaviour focus of 'being courteous' over the last fortnight. It was wonderful to read about all the great ways students have been showing courtesy. Congratulations to each of the students, listed below, who won the Wembley Values Award.
Respect: Being Courteous
Emiko S-J
For showing our value of respect by being courteous all the time in Prep B by using your manners and kind words.
Year 1
Saoirse M M
For showing our value of Respect by being courteous when you use good manners and kind words when asking for something.
Year 2
Harper D
For showing our value of Respect by being courteous by always being kind and saying please and thank you to our amazing teacher Rachel.
Year 3
Claire L
For showing our value of Respect by being courteous at all times by using polite words and kindness.
Year 4
Cora H
For showing our value of Respect by being courteous when you let others learn and use good manners during mini-lessons.
Year 5
For showing our value of Respect by being courteous by using polite words and opening the door for your peers.
Year 6
Olive C
For showing our value of Respect by being courteous by always putting others before yourself. You open doors, clean the room and help Mr Zammit.
Disability Inclusion
Last term the team held their first Disability Inclusion Profile meeting. We really appreciated the support that we had from the family involved with this process, especially with it being our first attempt. After a few weeks wait, we have now received the final report and we are over the moon with the outcome. We are in the process of creating a second application for this year and we are hopeful that now we know the process, next year will enable us to put more students through this process. If you have any questions around the Disability Inclusion process please reach out to Lindsey through the office email address:
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club continues to run Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the eating area 8.30 - 8.55am. We have some new volunteers starting over the next couple of weeks, so please make them feel welcome.
Apples absolutely flew out last week so we may be a little limited until we get our next delivery! It is really good to see students choosing fresh fruit as well as all the other options that we have. Food Bank have informed us that Messy Monkeys will not be available for a few weeks, there will be a replacement product which will be available for students to try.
We will continue making fruit juice on the mornings where we have enough staff. Last term orange with pear was popular alongside orange with apple. Lindsey is enjoying trying different variations!
Wellbeing Dogs
Ginny has had a lovely couple of weeks in school, she loves being on site and particularly enjoys knowing she is so loved!