Learning and Teaching
Assistant Principals: Katie McClue, Joel Magnabosco, Lindsey Delooze and Melanie Irons
Learning Specialists: Renee Johnson and Adriana Jankulovski
Learning and Teaching
Assistant Principals: Katie McClue, Joel Magnabosco, Lindsey Delooze and Melanie Irons
Learning Specialists: Renee Johnson and Adriana Jankulovski
Our Year One students have been learning about growing patterns in Maths this term. To celebrate student learning and achievement, they used cut potato stamps to create their own growing patterns. Check out how cool they look, and how much fun the students are having!
Last week, on Thursday 5 October the Year One students had their movie night. The students were very excited to wear their pyjamas and dress up for the night. They had the choice between two movies; Super Mario Bros and Sing, with the most popular movie choice of the night being Super Mario Bros. Some delicious pizza from Dough Trader, a packet of popcorn and a Zooper Dooper help keep bellies full. All students were beautifully behaved, and showed that they enjoyed the opportunity to be at school into the evenings, taking part in this experience with their friends.
Thank you to the Year One teaching team, who made this event run so seamlessly.
“Why didn’t we go yesterday?” was the thought everyone had in their head as we set off for our Year One excursion to Scienceworks. Yesterday, was a beautiful day with the weather in the high 20s. The day we went, was raining and cold. Isn’t that so typical of Melbourne? One day beautiful beach weather, the next horrible and wet. Well, the students made the most of the rain and still managed to go on the playground and have a bit of a play. It worked out quite well as we went to the lightning room and we discussed the different weather and students were able to connect it to what the weather was like on the day. The lightning room was a great experience. We then had lots of fun exploring other parts of Scienceworks, including races against Cathy Freeman, designing future vehicles and robots, and finding out about black holes.
The Year 2 Students braved the rain during week 1 of term 4, to go on a historical walk through Yarraville! In their concept sessions students have been learning about our local history, exploring the stories behind the 'Sunken Village', the Sun Theatre and other significant sites around the local area. Their final destination was the beautiful Sun Theatre. All 97 students arrived soggy but happy! Once inside, students were treated to a juice and some delicious popcorn and a private viewing of the Paw Patrol movie, 'Paw Patrol: The Might Movie'.