Term 4 is Here!
The Orange Teams Inquiry Back Drop - 'How to Wake Up the Green Sheep'
Term 4 is Here!
The Orange Teams Inquiry Back Drop - 'How to Wake Up the Green Sheep'
Term 4 has commenced with great vigour as we prepare and plan for what will be a fabulous final year of 'Living & Learning' together at Curiosity.
A big thank you to our Staff Team who offered some a wide range of experiences for our children over the Holiday Program. I am sure that for those who attended, there were many stories shared about their days.
A moment of celebration this week as our Green Team children ventured to Big School for their first excursion to the Playground. What a wonderful surprise to see so many of our brothers and sisters on our visit! Thank you to our families who are supporting these excursions which offer such a wonderful experience for these very capable explorers.
Over the coming weeks, we will be meeting the new children that will be joining our learning community in 2024. A wonderful question that I leave right to the end of each visit is, "What are your hopes and aspirations for your child joining our community." Many of the responses sit within the desire for their child to form long term relationships with other children, have a love for learning instilled and for their child to be happy each day. What wonderful aspirations to hear! I pray that you see these desires emphasised in your child's learning journey thus far at Good Shepherd.
I leave with you the Lord's Prayer that the children and I prayed this week. A version that is poetic in nature and accessible to the mind of a child (which we all are in light of God's goodness to us).