
にほんごニュース Japanese news

いらっしゃい!Welcome! School visit to BNPS from Beaumaris Secondary College.


This week, a group of Year 9 and 10 students of Beaumaris Secondary College came to BNPS and they taught some Japanese words of animals and showed how to play a Japanese animal chess to Year 3 students. They played the game together and had a very good time! たのしかった です!(It was good fun!)


きて ゲームやってくれて ありがとう! (Thank you for coming to our school and playing the Japanese game with us!)

にほんりょこうPlanning a Japan trip?

We have many families that will go to Japan on holidays this year and the official tourism website of the Japanese government would give you a lot of information on where to go and what to do in Japan.




***Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) is a government body whose aim is to promote Japan internationally as both a leisure and business travel destination. 


たのしい日本旅行を!Have fun traveling in Japan!


こうじせんせい Koji sensei