Year 4 News


Students have been working on particular areas of grammar such as homophones, prepositional phrases and connectives. 

As part of our writing, some students received their much-awaited pen licences! Congratulations to the students below. Each fortnight students will be awarded their pen licence at our Year 4 assembly. 




The students have been looking at 2D and more recently 3D shapes. We have been investigating tessellations and tangrams while exploring properties, features, similarities and differences between shapes. 


As part of our problem-solving worded problems sessions on a Friday, students came across a question that required knowledge of the calendar and days of the month. Students were asked to learn the calendar poem and if they could remember it off by heart were awarded a treat! So far at least 80% of the year level know the rhyme. Nice work Year 4! 



Unit of Inquiry

Congratulations to the Year 4’s who received Learner Profile awards last week for being principled, thinkers and inquirers!  



Year 4 have also been busy collaboratively making posters that display their knowledge on the Amazon Rainforest and the continent of South America. Check out their beautiful work.