Year 3 News


On 6 September the year threes started their new unit of inquiry for How the world works. The central idea is “Innovation affects society and the environment”. 

This week we had to brainstorm lots and lots of inventions in our writer’s notebook. E.g. computer, telephone and the Tv.


 We all filled up our page with cool inventions that people made to make our life easier. After everyone’s page was full we got into groups of three or four. Everyone got three sticky notes each and wrote down the three most important inventions on our page.


 Next, we arranged the sticky notes into a Diamond Display on a huge piece of white paper. We had to discuss in our group which ones were the most important. The most important one had to be up the top and the least important at the bottom. 


After you stuck them all down you got to DECORATE!! Some people drew the inventions that you wrote down, others just drew whatever. After everyone had finished the teacher got everyone to sit on the floor, we all went group by group explaining why we chose those inventions, most people had medicine as their number one because a lot of people would be dead because medicine helps cure sickness. 


EVERYONE had a lot of fun collaborating with their friends everyone is super excited for our new unit of inquiry.


By Rosie C 3A



What is a Kronkiwongi you ask? Last week Year 3’s watched a clip about how children's minds are open to all possibilities when they are young. A Kronkiwongi is an invention with no limitations or rules.  It can be whatever you imagine it to be.  


We had to design our Kronkiwongi in our scrap books. We then had to label our design and fill out a work sheet explaining the function (how it works), causation (why we created this) and connection (how does it help others). We all had so much fun being mini inventors.


My Kronkiwongi is a magic wishing Doll. Anything you type into it, your wish is granted.

Sam’s Kronkiwongi is the Dementia curer. When you put the wristband on, you press a button and it checks your heartbeat, sends a signal to your brain and cures dementia.


Lila’s Kronkiwongi is Robo baby bear. If you struggle to sleep at night, you press a button and it will cuddle you, if you are feeling sad, it helps comfort you.




Written by Rebecca W 3B


Year Three Sport!

 This term we have been focussing on soccer and soccer skills such as dribbling and shooting.  But since its nearly the end of term 3 we are doing some fun games. Last Tuesday we played a game called Capture the Chicken. Mrs Jones sorted us into teams by whether we were born in Winter, Spring, Autumn or Summer. So, there were four teams all together and 2 courts.


Capture the Chicken is a game where two teams vs each other, also each team has 4 chickens at the start of the round and you try and get all of the chickens in your side of the court you win. There are 3 jails on each side of the game court and if you get tagged on the other team’s side you go in the jail. Then if someone’s in the jail the other people on your team runs to the jail and grabs your hands then you start running to your side of the court.

After we have done the rounds the winners of the 2 rounds play each other, the two teams who won were Summer and Winter. The winner out of Winter and Summer was WINTER! 


All of the year threes enjoyed the game, thank you Mrs Jones for setting up the game!!!!


By Bessie C 3A