Year 2 News 

Year 2 Term 3- THAT'S A WRAP! 


We made it through another term, and we couldn’t be prouder of our year 2 students. We have certainly worked hard this term to cover all the necessary content. The students have risen to all the challenges and expectations and have completed an excellent standard of work. 


We hope everyone has a well-deserved break over the holidays ready for a very long term 4.  

PYP- Sharing The Planet 

Minibeast Dress Up & Movie Day 

Today some creepy crawlies and colourful critters were inhabiting Year 2. The students looked amazing dressed up as minibeasts today. There was a great deal of excitement as they arrived and saw the critter their friends had dressed as.  We began the day showing the students the variety of activities they could choose from. These included the following.  


The students enjoyed working through the variety of activities and drew some excellent minibeasts guided by the online program Art Hub.  

We also watched the movie A Bugs Life and the students munched and crunched their special treats. It was a fabulous day and a wonderful way to wrap up our unit of inquiry.   



This week in maths we have been looking at capacity. On Tuesday we had fun measuring in our sandpit and determining how many cups of sand certain containers would hold. The students had to estimate first, then check their answers and calculate the difference.  

We also introduced fractions and we completed a class brainstorm about everything we know about fractions. The students used kinder circles and squares to fold and create their own fractional parts and then labelled them. We will continue with these topics the first week of term 4.  


During our literacy sessions the students wrote another letter to their pen pals from Black Rock Primary School. We are looking forward to arranging a visit to their school early next term. 


During Literacy Groups this week the students enjoyed completing a variety of Word Work activities using their weekly spelling words. The students enjoyed writing a lucky dip story where they pulled out a picture prompt from a lucky dip box. They also completed several activities on Literacy Planet and spent some time ‘Reading to self’.