Year 1 News

Well Done Year 1's


We would like to share with you a video displaying the mammoth effort the Year One students went to in the last week of Term 3.


The children celebrated their last week of the term by turning their classrooms into a Chocolate Factory as a culmination of all the learning completed, throughout our Unit of Inquiry. 


The children worked in small groups to design and construct their own chocolate bars. We exposed the children not only to the process of growing cacao pods, through to making chocolate in the factory, but to persuasive techniques used by food companies (slogans, colour schemes), to the cost of chocolate and the weight of chocolate bars (in grams). 


We hope you enjoy watching the excitement of the day.  



The Year One team wish the Year One families a happy, healthy and safe school holidays and look forward to welcoming back the students for their last term of Year 1.