Prep News

Father's Day

On Friday 1 September we were very lucky to welcome all of our dads and special friends in to the Prep Learning Centre to celebrate all they do to support and care for our Preps.


Prep A

Prep B


Prep C



We had a surprise visitor, Josh the magician, come to perform for our Preps and special guests. He did all sorts of amazing magic tricks, like turning 2 bunnies into 10 bunnies, and he also made a yucky concoction of dog food and mustard magically turn into lollies! Josh even taught us all a secret magic trick for us to perform to our families at home!


Thank you to everyone for coming to our special day - we all had so much fun!!


Cubby Day

Last Friday the Preps transformed the Prep building into a construction zone! All the Preps looked absolutely fabulous dressed up as builders, with their work boots, flannel shirts, high-vis vests, tool belts and hard hats! 


Prep A

The Preps did a wonderful job of cooperating throughout all the stages of building. We saw beautiful teamwork as the Preps planned, negotiated and constructed their cubbies. The Preps enjoyed finishing their cubbies off with all the finer details we find in our homes such as fridges and lounge rooms.


Prep B


Thank you to the Year 5 and 6 students who helped us clean up the construction zone by helping to remove all of the construction boxes and made sure the Prep classrooms were tidy.


Prep C


Thank you also to all the staff and families for bringing in old boxes, sheets, blankets and tools to make the day a success, we all had so much fun!


Maths - Measurement

Our current Unit of Inquiry, How the world works, ties in beautifully to the Measurement and Geometry strand of the curriculum. 


The Preps have been having a lot of fun relating measurement to buildings and enjoyed using the informal units of a brick and nail to measure different objects in our classroom. The Preps even measured themselves!

The Preps have ordered ladders from longest to shortest and had a go of using unifix cubes to measure different images of animals, taking care to measure right from the feet of the animals and right up to their ears!


Our wonderful art teachers do an amazing job of linking their art program with the Prep Units of Inquiry, where possible. Recently the Preps enjoyed making houses out of paper cylinders. We think the buildings look amazing! 

Well done Ms Anderson, Ms La Gerche and all the Prep students!

Learner Profile Certificates

In Prep we always celebrate the students when they demonstrate the Learner Profile attributes, of being: Inquirers, Communicators, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Balanced, Reflective and Risk-takers. 

Congratulations to this week's certificate winners, who received awards for being caring, knowledgeable, principled, great communicators and risk takers. Well done Preps!