Uniform Shop


Term 4 reminder that hats are required and must be worn during Recess, Lunch and outdoor class activities. The Uniform Shop will open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8.45-9.30am from Monday 2nd October unless advised otherwise via Compass.


Orders can be placed during the holidays via QKR and will be delivered to your child’s classroom on the first day of term. 


Please ensure to clearly label your child’s hat (and all items) with their last name and first initial so they can be easily reunited. Hats are often the most misplaced item after jackets.


Lost Property

The lost property bins have been cleaned out for the end of term with 36 clearly named items returned to the classrooms. Please ask your child to check the bins for lost items rather than waiting for them to be returned, as this service is not always possible. All unnamed items (over 60) have been returned to the bins please check them before the end of the school day on Friday 15 Sept. All unclaimed items will be disposed of after this time.



If you would like to volunteer with Prep transition mornings, shop sales and orders or Lost Property please contact Annie Thomas, Uniform Shop co-ordinator uniform@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au