Student Interview 

 Student Interview with April & Nora 4B


What do you love about school?

April- I love school because of friends and teachers and all of the Specialists.


Nora - The thing I love about school is sport because if your good enough you go to the Districts.

What are you most proud of?

April - I am most proud of my handwriting, my netball skills and dance.


Nora - I am most proud of all the ribbons I got in the Athletics Carnival.

Who is your hero?

April - Liz Watson and a teacher at this school.


Nora - I don't really have a hero but I really want to be a House Captain, so I guess I really want to be like a 2023 House Captain.

Do you play a sport or have a 


April - Yes, dance, netball, school and swimming.


Nora - Yes, I do play sport, I play basketball.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

April- I want to be a famous netballer.


Nora - I have a few things I would like to be when I grow up, a famous basketballer, Scientist or a Surgeon.


What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

April - When I go my trophy at my netball presentation.


Nora- When I saw that my basketball team was at the top of the ladder.



If you had a wish, what would        you wish for?                                         

April - I wish that my family from Sydney would come to Melbourne to live.


Nora - I would wish for good health obviously.