Aoife's Message

Hello Holy Cross families,

Term 3 has flown by with many learning experiences, excursions, incursions and collaboration taking place. We've had a busy end to the term, see below for some highlights. 


Feast of the Holy Cross - Thursday 14th 

Thank you to our Yr 5 children for leading our Prayer Gathering in celebration of our special school feast day. The children spent time in classes learning about our four house saints. Following this the children decorated bags and packed goods to donate to Gisborne Food Bank. We are very appreciative of the support of our families in gathering donations. After school our amazing PFA team organised a disco for the children. A huge thank you to the parents who volunteered to supervise and who organised the event.  It was super loud and super fun!


Footy/Team colours day 

We had a fun and relaxed end to the term with Footy/Team Colours Day and hotdogs for lunch. The North supporters were few and far between, luckily we're a resilient crew!


Christmas Concert and Carols at Holy Cross - Feedback from families

Thank you to the 106 families who responded to our quick survey regarding carols this year. With 70% of respondants expressing a preference for a private carols event it is clear that families would like us run the evening as per our previous years. A date will be advised early next term. The public carols event will still take place on Sat 2nd Dec, with Holy Cross possibly running a stall at the event so that we are still involved in some way. We will brainstorm this in the coming weeks. 


School uniform - Term 4 

Summer uniforms are to be worn during Term 4, including school hat. Children are expected to wear the appropriate school uniform each day. On days when children have sport or outdoor education classes they are asked to wear sports uniform. On days where specialist classes are not running children are asked to wear full school uniform, including black school shoes. 


House/Sports tops available early Term 4

We are excited to let you know that our new house / sport tops will be available from early next term.  They will be phased in over the next two years and can be worn on both Sport and Outdoor Ed days.

Order online at CDFpay ....

The cost is $45.00 per top. 

Students not returning in 2024

It’s hard to believe that we are already planning towards 2024. Before we begin the process of looking at next year’s class lists it is important to know who will not be returning next year. If your child is not returning in 2024 (other than Year 6 students), please let the office know.

In the coming weeks we will begin the process of class placements taking into consideration the varying needs of each child within the school. Please note that class teachers are not set until much later in Term 4, we look at grouping children first, then class teacher placement. 


School Closure Day - Friday 20th October

A reminder that we have a school closure day on Friday 20th October for staff professional development. SchoolsOut will operate for any families requiring this service. 


Have a happy and relaxing break. 
