Year Eight

Students in Year Eight have continued to develop their Historical Skills and Concepts when looking at the Middle Ages and Early Exploration.
Students have been analysing Historical Significance; looking into attempts made by governments to erase/re-write events in history. Students have been asked to reflect on the power in learning about events which someone attempted to erase, and how we have a responsibility as global citizens to evaluate historical evidence and seek to identify bias in the sources we use for our research.
In League In Harmony
"With a focus on respect, responsibility and inclusiveness, the NRL's 'In League In Harmony' program aims to promote social cohesion by addressing issues such as social disengagement, racism, gender inequality and bullying; empowering youth to be agents of change for a more cohesive society."
This week our students had their first 'In League, In Harmony' clinic with Pauline Poloai. Twenty of our Year Eight students eagerly put their hands up to join the program last term and it was incredible to see their engagement, enthusiasm and respect for each other.
Students worked through several drills which focused on teamwork and hand-eye coordination. They then broke into teams and competed against each other in a game of Touch Rugby.
They will complete another five sessions this term and then head out to the Harmony Festival Gala Day on 29th November, where they will interact with schools from across Melbourne.
Welcome to Term Four! We are proud to share that we have had a productive and successful start to the term! Students have come back from the break ready to learn and have explored a variety of concepts in statistics.
Over the past three weeks, students have investigated data representation and interpretation by representing data through frequency tables, histograms, stem-and-leaf plots, dot plots and box and whisker plots. They interpreted a range of real-world data by calculating mean, median, mode and range, before investigating the variation of means and proportions as well as the effect of individual data values including outliers. Students will be able to extend and consolidate a variety of data concepts during their project where they will represent and interpret data sets of interest and select areas to work on, specific for their individual learning needs.
In the coming weeks, students will shift their focus from statistics to linear and non-linear relationships. During this unit, they will be exploring the use of Cartesian planes and their uses when plotting linear relationships. Students will also plot graphs of non-linear real-life data with and without the use of digital technologies and interpret and analyse these graphs. To extend their learning, they will also be introduced to a variety of other skills including the ability to identify a midpoint and gradient of a line segment (interval) and how to find the distance between two points.
We have been so proud of our Year Eight students and look forward an educational and successful term in Mathematics.
"In Spanish we have been learning about the weather, which is really interesting and fun because we get to expand our vocabulary and apply it in real life scenarios." - Lareb 8A
"I like Spanish because Miss Hewat makes it fun and very interesting and makes Spanish games." - Kelly 8F
"In Spanish, we have been learning about the weather and how to describe to people what the weather will be like. I like using Education Perfect to revise vocab." - Aiden W 8D
"My favourite game we play in Spanish class is Blooket, especially Crypto Hack!" - Neil 8D
Wood Technology
This Term has seen Year Eight Wood Technology students complete their first project of the Resin Art Serving board. Students completed their boards by learning to apply epoxy resin to and oiling the surface of the timber to protect and seal their project. Applying resin can take many years to master, however the Year Eights displayed their capabilities to problem solve, think creatively and exhibited tremendous enthusiasm by completing some outstanding pieces of resin art to their boards.
In the coming weeks, students are beginning the process of constructing their next project of the Wireless Charging Side Table. Year Eights will revisit the stages of the design cycle to determine the background information required to create their table and begin the construction process.