Year Five

Dear Year Five Families,
The students have been excited to find out what song they will be singing for the Christmas carols at the end of the year. All classes have begun to practice their song with enthusiasm, and have had the opportunity to start learning the dance moves as well.
In Reading, our students have been furthering their investigation of different types of figurative language. They explored idioms and were given opportunities to locate idioms in a text. The students also found sentences within books that they could change into an idiom to make the text more exciting. They unpacked alliteration sentences and explored how having the same sound repeated can engage a reader. The students had fun challenging themselves to say out loud different alliteration sentences and were able to create their own entertaining alliterations.
In Writing, our students explored further into their understanding of explanation texts. The students were given opportunities to continue and finish their explanation text about how to make chocolate or how to make cheese. The students were then given the chance to write an explanation text about the human-made system they were investigating connecting to our Unit of Inquiry.
During Mathematics, our students have begun exploring chance and probability. The students completed a pre-assessment to demonstrate what they already understood about the concept and to identify their next area of learning. The students have been learning about how they can describe chance using words, fractions, decimals, and percentages. They have been using probability to predict what will happen in chance experiments, through activities that involve dice, cards, and marbles in a bag, and have been comparing their predicted results to the actual results.
Throughout Inquiry, our students have been continuing their investigation into a chosen human-made system. They have been using their drafted plans and research to create the posters that represent their system. To extend their learning, the students have also been using various resources to create small models or paper figurines to display their system.
Term Four Reminders:
As we are in the final term of the year, there are many things to remember:
- Hats - As per the department policy, hats must be worn in term four. If students do not have a hat, they must go to the shaded eating area during recess and lunch. It is important that students have the Saltwater hat, as it is likely that PE class may be held outside. All caps are not allowed for primary students.
- MacBooks - MacBooks are required at school everyday fully charged as per the Digital Use Agreement from the beginning of the year.
- Christmas Carols - In term four, we have Christmas Carols. 5A, 5C and 5E will be performing 12 Days of Christmas by Pentatonix and 5B and 5D will be performing Deck the Halls by Love to Sing. More information about Christmas Carols will be available at a later date. If you do not want your child/ren to take part, please email their classroom teacher.
- Early Holidays - We understand that some families will be going away early for the Christmas holidays. If you have a planned holiday, please let your child/ren's classroom teacher know as well as the office.
- End of Year Celebration - Adventure Park, Monday 4th December
Kind regards,
Year Five Teachers