Year Three

Dear Year Three families,
Thank you for all your support and involvement in our students' education. As we head towards the middle of Term Four, it's been amazing to see how much progress each student has made, and we're proud of all their hard work. In the spirit of the season, each class has been spending time practising their Christmas Carols with joy and excitement. We're looking forward to sharing our musical gifts with you all soon.
We're excited to share that our students have been exploring the reading strategy of summarising using non-fiction texts this week. As part of this, they were introduced to the 'Topic, Fact, Fact, Clincher' method to summarise texts. Our students have been using non-fiction texts from their classroom libraries and Epic to practise this method of summarising. We're thrilled to see them applying this strategy to their reading and look forward to watching them grow in the coming weeks.
The Year Three cohort has begun a new unit on Information Reports. As part of this unit, students have been spending time exploring a variety of Information Reports, and identifying their purpose, structure and features. Our students have had the opportunity to write their first information report which they later used to identify their writing goals. Students will continue working on their writing goals over the coming weeks.
In Maths, we started our new unit on angles. Students completed activities such as 'The Angle Hunt'. It has been great to see students building their knowledge and identifying different angles found within objects as well as distinguishing between obtuse and acute angles.
It is hard to believe that we have begun our final Unit of Inquiry based on the Transdisciplinary Theme, 'Sharing the Planet' under the Central Idea, 'Components of Ecosystems are interdependent'. As part of our provocation, the Year Three cohort walked to the Crocodile Park. Students explored the different forms of life within various ecosystems. We are excited to continue unpacking this unit over the next few weeks.
-Students will need to bring their hats in Term Four, these will be worn outside in the yard and during outdoor PE lessons.
-As the weather gets warmer, we recommend all students bring a water bottle to school to stay hydrated throughout the day.
-We are fast approaching the due date for our Camp Experience Excursion to Werribee Zoo. The payment for this can be made via XUNO, should you have any questions please reach out to your child's classroom teacher.
Best Regards,
Year Three teaching team