Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop - Term 4
Please be advised that due to pupil-free day on Monday 9 October, the Uniform Shop will re-open on Tuesday 10 October, Week 1 of Term 4.
Fittings for College Uniform
At the Uniform Shop we strongly encourage boys to get fitted correctly for trousers and all items of the College uniform.
We have had many occasions when a parent/carer comes to purchase an item of clothing and are unsure of their son’s correct size, as we know the boys grow very quickly, the same size that fitted them two years ago might not fit them now.
As we don’t offer refunds or exchange on jammers/swimming costumes, boys need to attend a fitting.
We also have a new copper vacuum insulated drink bottle for sale at $25.00.
Please do not forgot to download the Uniform Shop Order Form when your son is making a purchase with credit card details you have provided on the form.
Loretta Mynett
Uniform Shop Manager