
Year 12 – Thank You
We have now reached that time of year that we once again farewell our Year 12 cohort. In doing so it would be remiss of me not to thank and make mention of their contribution to the Co-curricular program over the past eight years. It is my hope that these young men take many fond memories away with them and I’m hopeful that they come back in years to come to enjoy coaching and watching our younger boys take part in the various activities we have to offer.
Special recognition goes to:
- Alex Purser and Oscar Manuel who have served the College well in their respective Prefect roles (Sport and Cultural)
- Our Captains of various activities – Cooper Edwards (Cricket), James Kordahi (Basketball, Michael De Meio (Baseball), Owen Taylor (Swimming), Bryn Williams (Rugby), Alessandro Romeo (Football), Felix Yeung (Tennis), Oliver Xuereb (Athletics and Cross-Country), Mathew Svoboda (Debating and Public Speaking) and Bailey Yeates (Performing Arts). You are to be applauded the way you led your activity and the boys involved.
- Dominic Taffa who participated in 25 Co-curricular activities over the past six years despite being unable to participate in some of his favourites during the COVID-19 interrupted years. In Year 12 alone, Dominic participated in five activities while also having a Prefect role. What a great example for the younger boys to follow.
Senior School Athletics and Cross-Country Presentation Evening
Parents, carers and boys are reminded that the Athletics and Cross-Country Presentation Evening will take place on Thursday 12 October in the Robson Auditorium. Boys are asked to arrive by no later than 7:00 PM for a 7:15 PM start. Boys are to ensure that they wear their full College Winter uniform and have their school shoes polished. Attendance is compulsory.
In terms of parking, the College requests that no one parks their car in Hydebrae Street (which runs at ninety degrees from Francis Street and the Senior Library) at any time. Its narrowness makes resident parking difficult and non-resident parking can present a safety risk by preventing access of emergency vehicles. I would encourage parents/carers and students to carpool where possible. Please note that the aim is to complete the Presentation Evenings by no later than 8:15 PM Given that, please organise transport arrangements around that, particularly when it comes to picking up your son/s. Please note that the aim is to complete the Presentation Evenings by no later than 8:15 PM. Given that, please organise transport arrangements around that, particularly when it comes to picking up your son/s.
Homework Club
Parents/carers and boys are advised that Homework Club will cease on Thursday 21 September and re-open on Tuesday 10 October. It is my hope that students are making good use of this service and I encourage more boys to consider this option.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular