
Farewell to the Class of 2023
As third term, concludes our prayers and best wishes go with the young men of Year 12 who graduate this week after thirteen years of schooling – a relief for many parents/carers.
While we acknowledge and celebrate the gift of these young men to the College through farewells and graduation ceremonies, we are reminded of the challenge that lies ahead for them in the coming weeks with the Higher School Certificate written examinations, commencing Wednesday 11 October.
We are also reminded of the very busy and eventful term it’s been for Year 12. Parents/carers would know, having just got over the Trial Higher School Certificate examinations in August, that many of the boys completed a significant practical component of their externally assessed Higher School Certificate examinations such as oral examinations in Languages, major works in English Extension 2, Design and Technology, Industrial Technology and Visual Arts, as well as performances for Drama and Music.
Parents and carers would agree their son’s time here at St Patrick’s has been filled with some setbacks as well as joys and successes but overall, parents/carers ought to feel a sense of pride in their son reaching this milestone at this College.
I wish every young man of the Class of 2023 all the best for the future as he embarks upon a new stage in his life. Farewell Year 12, good luck and God bless.
Year 12-2024 Parent Information Evening
As has been already communicated to Year 11 parents/carers via various platforms, this note is just a reminder that an information evening will be held in the College Gymnasium on Monday 9 October commencing at 7:00 PM and concluding at 8:30 PM.
The purpose of the evening is to disseminate information about the College’s HSC assessment policy, procedures, and HSC assessment program.
Year 9 Examinations
Year 9 examinations commence the second week back next term on Monday 16 October and conclude Thursday 19 October with Friday 20 October a catch-up day for missed examinations. The assessments are all written examinations.
The examination timetable is now available on the CANVAS Year 9 page and students are reminded to note dates and times of their examinations. Students are also reminded to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the College’s Year 9 Assessment Handbook and Examination Rules posted on CANVAS at the beginning of the school year.
Ignorance of the College’s Assessment Policy or examination rules will not constitute a valid excuse and penalties will be incurred for breaches of policy and procedures.
In particular, in the event of absenteeism due to illness or misadventure during the examinations, parents, carers and their sons are reminded that a telephone call to the Year Coordinator, Mr Rowlings, must be made prior to 9:00 AM on the day of the examination. Where possible, the missed examination or a substitute will be arranged within the examination period. Immediately on the student’s return to school, a medical certificate for the illness/misadventure must be given to the relevant Head of Faculty and the Year Coordinator.
I wish all our Year 9 students well in their preparation and completion of these important tests.
The McGlade Academic Scholarship Examinations
In 1998, Brother James Athanasius McGlade celebrated seventy years as a Christian Brother. To mark this significant anniversary of a man who played so long and vital a role in the history of the College, the then Province Leader, Brother Julian McDonald, suggested that the College consider the establishment of a number of scholarships.
The College is proud to offer The McGlade Scholarships to boys currently enrolled at the College entering Year 11 in 2024. The rationale for the scholarships is the promotion of a love of learning and academic excellence.
Successful applicants will be selected through their performance in examinations conducted on Thursday 19 October 2023.
To apply on behalf of your son please click here. For more information please
The McGlade Organ Scholarship
The College is seeking to appoint a new Organ Scholar now that Bailey Yeates of Year 12 has finished his education at the College.
The organ scholarship is open to any suitably qualified student from Years 7 to 10.
Applicants for the McGlade Organ Scholarship will be required to audition and meet certain selection criteria based on demonstrable keyboard competency, the ability to sight-read and sight-sing music and to show a willingness to undertake weekly organ tuition, practice daily and to be involved in a range of College liturgical celebrations, including Friday morning College Eucharists and special events as required.
Students in Year 10 may also be applying for the academic McGlade Scholarship which involves academic testing. These students may also apply for the Organ Scholarship if they believe they meet the criteria.
Expressions of interest should be sent to the Head of Performing Arts (Ms Rebecca Duff) no later than Monday 9 October 2023 via email at
Any enquiries can also be directed to Ms Duff at the College via College Reception 9763 1000 or email.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum
The Shark Tank Project
On Monday 18 September I was fortunate to spend Periods 1 and 2 with Mr Van Der Meer’s 6 White class. As one of the designated Sharks on this project, the boys presented their upcycled products in the groups, which they have been working with throughout the term.
This project interlinked the concepts of sustainability, the circular economy, and marketing concepts, encouraging students of 6 White to think outside the box and challenge their creativity skills while taking into consideration the standard of upcycling reusable products.
The impressive presentations consisted of the creation of phone stands, lunch boxes, hats, games, ping pong machines, soccer goals, and many other ideas using sustainable materials.
Well done 6 White for your efforts with this project.
Constance Lukas
HSIE B Teacher