Grade 6 News

Important Information
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Production - We apologise for any confusion created around the black clothes. Following the dress rehearsal, we spoke to the Senior School students about keeping their black clothes and simply wearing them on the day of the performance, just like the dress rehearsal day. Thank you for your understanding.
Learning in Action
To begin the term, students in Grade 6 have been exploring our Literacy Goals to develop an understanding of how they can further develop their skills in Reading and Writing. Students have been exposed to a variety of mentor texts (both written and visual) to practise these goals as a class, before working independently on applying what they have learnt to their Open Cycle Writing piece. Our Term 4 Literacy Goals are:
- I am learning how an author influences me.
- I am learning about characters.
- I am learning about the themes of a text.
- I am learning to analyse a text.
- I am learning about text structures.
Students will continue to monitor their improvement and success with their goal through conferencing with their teacher and peers, before moving on to a new goal to implement when independently reading and writing. Literacy Goals will allow students to reflect on their learning, become more independent learners and think critically about the texts they read and write.
To begin the term, students have been tying together their understanding of fractions and decimals, connecting this knowledge to percentages. They have been learning to calculate 10%, 25% and 50% of a whole number, and calculating any percentage of a whole number. This has served as a springboard into our financial Maths investigation, where students have been designing their own taco truck. This has involved designing a truck, menu and calculating percentage tips and discounts. Commencing next week students will be given the opportunity to consolidate their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages through goal practice. Students will be able to self-assess their understanding and select from the following goals:
- I can connect fractions, decimals and percentages
- I can calculate 10%, 25% and 50% of a number.
- I can convert between fractions, decimals and percentages
- I can calculate a % of a whole number
- I can investigate and calculate ‘best buys’
This term, Senior School students are learning about Needs Vs. Wants. Driven by an exploration of Human Rights and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, students are exploring that fundamental elements that humans require to survive and believe it or not, that doesn't include an Xbox. As we work through this unit, students will begin to look at ways they can influence and improve issues surrounding human rights, others who already doing something about it and innovative methods to raise important funds.
For Wellbeing students have been continuing to revise our Friendology program so far this term. Students have been working on remembering the difference between a 'friendship fire' (where someone upsets or hurts your feelings without meaning to) verses being 'mean on purpose' (where someone does something on purpose to upset or hurt someone). We have also been working on boosting each other up in the Senior School with the introduction of our 'Senior School Shout Out Wall'. Each week 15 different students are chosen to have their names and photos displayed the senior school, with a board underneath for students to write 'shout outs'. Shout outs might include compliments about being a good friend, thanking someone for helping them, a character strength that they have, as well as another number of things! This will continue throughout the remainder of the term, with every Senior School student having a turn being a part of the shout out board.
This term we have many sporting events taking place. Below you can find the list of all the events coming up.
Friday 13th October - Basketball Finals
Monday 16th October - Softball Finals
Tuesday 17th October - Volleyball Finals
Thursday 19th October - Region Athletics
Friday 20th October - Cricket Finals
Wednesday 1st November - Rugby Gala
Thursday 9th November - Boys Netball
Please ensure you keep checking compass for any details about the events.
We want to wish all of our teams and individual students competing at these events the very best of luck. Again, a big THANK YOU to Mr. Thomas who has done a wonderful job with organising all of these events for our students.